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速描《金瓶梅》第1 回 / 100, <Jin Ping Mei> 1

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《金瓶梅》取名为书中三个美女:潘金莲, 李瓶儿, 庞春梅。作者兰陵笑笑生, 成书明朝1617年。 莎士比亚1616年去世,接近莎翁时代。

《金瓶梅》里面有些人物来自元末明初的《水浒传》, 对145年后的《红楼梦》(成书于1762),影响至深。

The name of 《Jin Ping Mei》, came from one word of three beautul ladies' name: Jin-lian, Ping-Er, and Chun-Mei, it was finished in 1617, close to Shakespeare time, when Shakespeare died in 1616.  It has a profound impact to the Chinese famous classic book "Dream of the Red Chamber" which was finished in 1762.



潘金莲得名于秀足,克夫命,幼丧父, 卖王家, 转张家,白给与卖大饼的武大郎为妻, 武大身不足三尺为人儒弱, 有个打虎王武松弟弟28岁, 来家小住, 25岁金莲看武松身高七尺, 大卖风月。 武松断然搬离哥家。

The beauty Jinlian’s name means “the Golden Lotus Feet”, she is one of the three leading women in the book "Jin, Ping, Mei" as "Jin". She is a woman of kiss-of-death, lost her dad when she was a little girl, then was sold to Mr. Wang, to Mr. Zhang and later given to Wu Dalang for free as a wife. Wu Dalang, a 3-feet-short-weak guy,  sells pancake for living,  he has a 7-feet-tall younger brother, Wu Song, a tiger killer hero.  When Wu Song visits him,  the 25-year-old Jin, flirts with 28-year-old-brother-in-law, Wu Song moves out decisively.


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