Working For God

Chinese translation (by Tze-John Liu) of "He that is spiritual" (original auther: Lewis Sperry Chafer). "Working for God" (orig

如何為神而工作 How to work for God

(2007-12-16 20:29:21) 下一个
簡介 INTRODUCTION這本小書之目的,其中最要緊的是要提醒所有的基督徒工作者,The object of this little book is first of all to remind all Christian workers在神所與人分享一同工作之中,所具備的偉大和榮耀。而那工作無 of the greatness and the glory of the work in which God gives a share. It is 非就是引領人們回歸到他(她)們的神那兒,在這事上,神能得到最.nothing less than that work of bringing men back to their God, at which 高的榮耀以及稱頌。我們應該了解,這是必須經由我們而做出神God finds His highest glory and blessedness. As we see that it is God’s own 自己的工作,他做這工作是經由我們完成,這樣,由於我們做這些work we have to work out, that He works it through us, that in our doing it 事工,他的榮耀臨於我們並且我們也榮耀他。當我們奉獻自己專為His glory rests on us and we glorify Him, we shall count it our joy to give 而又完全為此事而活,我們將以此當作我們的喜樂。 ourselves to live only and wholly for it. 這本書同時並有的另一目的是幫助那些有抱怨的人,很明顯地,The aim of the book at the same time is to help those who complain, and他(她)們是在徒然無效的勞苦了,( 而且他(她)們也有可能根本不知道,去為工perhaps do not even know to complain, that they are apparently labouring 作的徒然無效而發出抱怨。) 幫助他(她)們去發現有這麼多失敗的in vain, to find out what may be the cause of so much failure. God’s work 肇因。神的工作必須照著神的方法,和照著神的能力。那是屬靈的must be done in God’s way, and in God’s power. It is spiritual work, to be工作,它必須由屬靈的人在聖靈的能力中完成的。我們對神的工作done by spiritual men, in the power of the Spirit. The clearer our insight into, 之規律,越發有更加清淅地深入理解,和更加完全地須從,我們在the more complete our submission to and, God’s laws of work, the surer 其中的喜樂和獎賞會更有把握和更加豐富。and the richer will be our joy and our reward in it. 在此同時我也把許許多多的基督徒考慮在內,他(她)們在他(她).Along with this I have had in view the great number of Christians who們的神的事工上可說是沒存任何的參與。他(她)們從未了解在神裡practically take no real part in the service of their Lord. They have never 以及在基督裡的屬神的生活,其最重要的特性是愛以及給人們帶來understood that the chief characteristic of the Divine life in God and Christ is 祝福的工作。在我們(基督徒)裡面的屬神的生命不能以其他的方式love and its work of blessing men. The Divine life in us can show itself in no 表現。我在本書中會表明神的旨意:是每一位信徒,不論他(她)在other way. I have tried to show that it is God’s will that every believer without 生活中的地位如何,毫無例外地,神的旨意是,完全地奉獻自己只.exception, whatever be his position in life, gives himself wholly to live and 為了神而生活以及工作。work for God. 我寫成此書也祈望著一些參與訓練其他信徒有關基督徒的生活I have also written in the hope that some, who have the training of others 和工作的人,(或可在書中找著一些對他(她)們有用處的想法,哂胕n Christian life and work, may find thoughts that will be of use to them in在教導這項必要的責任,在急迫的需求之處,以及獻身於服事神的teaching the imperative duty, the urgent need, the Divine blessedness of a life 生活所有的屬神的祝福,並且喚醒良知之中能知曉的,在他(她)們given to God’s service, and to waken within the consciousness of the power 裡面工作之能力,而這能力正是聖靈和基督自己的能力。 that works in them, even the Spirit and power of Christ Himself.對許許多多在教會中和教堂中工作的工人,包括在宣教大堂中 To the great host of workers in Church and Chapel, in Mission-Hall and 和在空曠之地,在周日和主日學中教導,在奮力會中,在男青年會Open-Air, in Day and Sunday Schools, in Endeavour Societies, in Y. M. and 中,女青年會中,在學生聯會,以及在世界所有其他之各種形式的Y. W. and Students’ Associations, and all the various forms of the ministry of 有愛心的服事,我心存愛心的提供這些默想,我並且心中迫切地向love throughout the world, I lovingly offer these meditations, with the fervent 神祈求,或許這位偉大的工人,會造就我們成為他自己的真正的同prayer that God, the Great Worker, may make us true Fellow-Workers with 工了。Himself.                                                   安德魯. 默銳   ANDREW MURRAY.威明頓, 1901年, 2月      Wellington, February, 1901. 總目:I. 等侯和工作. ----以賽亞書. 40:31,64:4 I. Waiting and Working.—Isa. 40:31, 64:4     II. 好的工作(行為)是世界的光. ----馬太福音. 5:14,16II. Good Works the Light of the World.—Matt. 5:14, 16 III. 兒子, 去工作. ----馬太福音. 21:28III. Son, go Work.—Matt. 21:28 IV. 分派各人當做的工作. ----馬可福音. 8:34IV. To Each one his Work.—Mark 8:34  V. 照著各人的才幹. ----馬太福音. 25:14, 31V. To Each one according to his Ability.—Matt. 25:14 31VI. 生命和工作. ----約翰福音. 5:34;9:4;17:4VI. Life and Work.—John 5:34, 9:4, 17:4 VII. 在我裡面的父作工. ----約翰福音. 5:17-20;14:14VII. The Father abiding in Me doeth the Work.—John 5:17-20, 14:10 VIII. 更大的工作. ----約翰福音. 14:12-14VIII. Greater Works.—John 14:12-14        IX. 在基督耶穌裡造成的,為要叫我們行善. ----以弗所書. 2:10IX. Created in Christ Jesus for Good Works.—Eph. 2:10       X. 工作,因為神在你裡面工作. ----腓利比書. 2:12,13X. Work, for it is God which worketh in you.—Phil. 2:12, 13 XI. 靠著愛心所做的信心的工作. ----加拿太書. 5:6,13XI. Faith working by Love.—Gal. 5:6, 13 XII. 在一切的好工作(和合本釋:善行)上多結果子. ----歌羅西書. 1:10XII. Bearing Fruit in every Good Work.—Col. 1:10    XIII. 常常竭力多作主工. ----哥林多前書. 15:58XIII. Always abounding in the Work of the Lord.—I Cor. 15:58 XIV. 多加恩賜以多作善工. ----哥林多後書. 9:8XIV. Abounding Grace for abounding Work.—2 Cor. 9:8     XV. 在服事的工作上. ----以弗所書. 4:11,12XV. The Work of Ministering.—Eph. 4:11, 12 XVI. 百節各按其職. ----以弗所書. 4:15,16XVI. According to the Working of each several Part.—Eph. 4:15, 16 XVII. 女人以好的工作為裝飾 . ----提摩太前書. 2:10. 5:9,10XVII. Women adorned with Good Works.—1 Tim. 2:10. 5:9, 10     XVIII. 在好事上富足. ----提摩太前書. 6:16XVIII. Rich in Good Works.—1 Tim. 6:18    XIX. 豫備行各樣的善事. ----提摩太後書. 2:21XIX. Prepared unto every Good Work.—2 Tim. 2:21     XX. 裝備完全,行各樣的善事(作各樣的好工作). ----提摩太後書. 3:16,17;2:15XX. Furnished completely unto every Good Work.—2 Tim. 3:16, 17, 2:15       XXI. 熱心行善(作好工作). ----提多書. 2:14XXI. Zealous of Good Works.—Tit. 2:14       XXII. 預備行各樣的善事. ----提多書. 3:1XXII. Ready to every Good Work.—Tit. 3:1       XXIII. 留心作各樣的善事(好的工作). ----提多書. 3:14XXIII. Careful to maintain Good Works. Tit. 3:14       XIV. 與他同工的. ----哥林多前書. 3:9;哥林多後書. 6:1XIV. As His Fellow-Workers.—1 Cor. 3:9; 2 Cor. 6:1  XXV. 照著他咝械拇竽� ----歌羅西書. 1:29;以弗所書. 3:7 XXV. According to the Working of His Power.—Col. 1:29; Eph. 3:7   XXVI. 格外勞苦. ----哥林多前書. 15:10;哥林多後書. 12:9,11XXVI. Labouring more abundantly.—1 Cor. 15:10; 2 Cor. 12:9, 11 XXVII. 一個將真理實行出來的人,就在所行的事上必然蒙福.----雅各 書. 1:22,25XXVII. A Doer that worketh shall be blessed in Doing.—Jas. 1:22, 25 XXVIII. 拯救靈魂的工作. ----雅各書. 5:19XXVIII. The Work of Soul-Saving.—Jas. 5:19 XXIX. 祈兑约肮ぷ� ----約翰一書. 5:16XXIX. Praying and Working.—1 John 5:16  XXX. 我知道你的工作. ----啟示錄. 2,3XXX. I know thy Works.—Rev. 2, 3   XXXI. 叫神在凡事上因著基督得著榮耀. ----彼得前書. 4:11XXXI. That God may be Glorified.—1 Pet. 4:11      第一章 I 等侯和工作 Waiting and Working  “但那等侯耶和華的,必從新得力”,“從自古以來人未曾聽見,‘They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength’, ‘Neither hath 未曾耳聞,未曾眼見;在你以外有何人為等候他的人行事。”-------the eye seen, O God, beside Thee, which worketh for him that waiteth for 以賽亞書:第四章,第三十一節;第六十四章,第四節。Him.’—Isa. 40:31, 64:4. (釋者按:建議讀者仔細閱讀這兩段經文的前後文以及前後章。那是神所啟示,以希伯文詩章並且也用了祈兜男问剿鶎懗傻摹�  在這裡我們有兩處經文,在其中,等侯和工作互相之間的關連被Here we have two texts in which the connection between waiting and 被說得清楚了。第一,我們看到等侯帶來工作所需要的力量. ----- working is made clear. In the first we see that waiting brings the needed 它是使我們能合適於有喜樂的並且不疲勞的工作。“但那等侯strength for working—that it fits for joyful and unwearied work. ‘They that 耶和華的,必從新得力;他們必如鷹展翅上騰,他們奔跑卻不困倦wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up on eagles,行走卻不疲乏。”wings; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk, and not faint.’ 等侯神會有-----‘它會使我們為神工作有力量’-----的價值在其中。 Waiting on God has its value in this: it makes us strong in work for God.第二,它啟示了這力量的秘絕。“神必為那等侯他的人工作。” 等侯The second reveals the secret of this strength. ‘God worketh for Him that 神保證了神會為我們,而且,在我們裡面工作,我們的工作必須是waiteth for Him.’ The waiting on God secures the working of God for us and從這裡(等侯神為我們,而且,在我們裡面工作)發生出來的。這兩us, out of which our work must spring. The two passages teach the great節經文教導了這重大的教訓,那就是等侯神奠定了所有真正地為神lesson, that as waiting on God lies at the root of all true working for God, so 工作的根基,同樣地,為神工作必定是所有真正地等侯他所結的果working for God must be the fruit of all true waiting on Him. Our great need is 實。我們所極需的是完全連接地和完全合偕地,把握住這項真理的to hold the two sides of the truth in perfect conjunction and harmony. 兩面。有一些人說他(她)們等侯神,但是他(她)們卻不為他工作。There are some who say they wait upon God, but who do not work for Him 這有可能是由於不同的原因。這其中有的人分不清真正等侯神與懶For this there may be various reasons. Here is one who confounds true waiting 惰之間的差異。前者,是與這位活著的神有著不停止的直接交通,waiting on God (in living direct intercourse with Him as the Living One), and而且將全人的精力奉獻給了神。後者,是無助的地在尋找藉口,以the devotion to Him of the energy of the whole being, with the slothful,helple至什麼事都不做地等侯著,直等到神,藉著某一特別的激動,使得waiting that excuses itself from all work until God, by some special impulse, 作工變得容易。另外,有一種人是比較真盏氐群钌瘢?阉?斪鍪�has made work easy. Here is another who waits on God more truly, regarding基督徒生活的最崇高的操練之一,而且卻從來未曾了解到一切真it as one of the highest exercises of the Christian life, and yet has never 正的等待之處,那裡必須存有在順服和預備好的心態,以成為神所understood that at the root of all true waiting there must lie the surrender and 使用,在服事其他的人的事上能完全合適。在這裡更有另一些人,他the readiness to be wholly fitted for God’s use in the service of men. And here (她)是預備好去為神工作和等侯神,但是卻去尋求聖靈流通某種偉 is still another who is ready to work as well as wait, but is looking for some 大的能力的靈流,來付予能力給他(她)去做巨大的事工,而在此同great inflow of the Spirit’s power to enable him to do mighty works, while he 時,他(她)卻忘記了作為一個信徒,他(她)己經擁有基督的靈住在他forgets that as a believer he already has the Spirit of Christ dwelling in him; (她)裡面,更多的恩典只加給那些在小事上忠心的人,並且我們也that more grace is only given to those who are faithful in the little; and that it is 僅有經過這樣地被聖靈教導過後,我們才可能知道如何去做更大的only in working that we can be taught by the Spirit how to do the greater 事工。在前面寫了的一切事,是為了所有的基督徒,都有需要學習works. All such, and all Christians, need to learn that waiting has working for 到,等侯神是以為神工作當做目標的,並且學習到僅有為神工作,object, that it is only in working that waiting can attain its full perfection and才會讓等侯神獲得其全部的完美與祝福。這樣,當我們將為神工作blessedness. It is as we elevate working for its God to its true place, as the 提昇到它真正的地位,把它看做是屬靈的,特權以及能力的最高級highest exercise of spiritual privilege and power, that the absolute need and the 的哂茫?堑群钌裰?^對需要和它屬神的祝福才能被完全理解。 divine blessing of waiting on God can be fully known. 從另一方面來說,有一些人,哦,有好多的人,他(她)為神工作On the other hand, there are some, there are many, who work for God, ,但是對等侯神是什麼卻僅知道一點兒。他(她)們己被帶領,或在but know little of what it is to wait on Him. They have been led to take up 自然的衝動之下,或在宗教性的感情中,或在某一位牧師或在某一Christian work, under the impulse of natural or religious feeling, at the bidding 個社團的指示下,去著手基督徒的工作,但是對為神工作是如何神of a pastor or a society, with but very little sense of what a holy thing it is to 事,僅帶著很少一點點的概念。他(她)們不知道神的工作,只能在work for God. They do not know that God’s work can only be done in God’s 神的力量中並由神自己在我們裡面工作。他(她)們從未學習到,兒strength, by God Himself working in us. They have never learnt that, just as 子在自己不能夠做任何的事,卻是在他持續不斷地依靠著父的情the Son of God could do nothing of Himself, but that the Father in Him did the 況下,而由在他裡面的父來工作,就像這樣,並更為確定的是,信work, as He lived in continual dependence before Him, so, and much more, 徒在自己是什麼事工都不能做的,只有神自己在他(她)們裡面來工the believer can do nothing but as God works in him. They do not understand作。他(她)不明白只有在我們全然無力而只依靠他,他的能力才能that it is only as in utter weakness we depend upon Him, His power can rest 停駐我們身上。一種持直不斷地依靠神,乃是成功的工作最重要以on us. And so they have no conception of a continual waiting on God as being 及必要的,並且因他(她)們對這事沒概念。由之使基督的教會和世one of the first and essential conditions of successful work. And Christ’s 世界,今日正在受苦難,啊,是這麼惡性的苦難!這不但是因為有Church and the world are sufferers to-day, oh, so terribly! not only because 許多的肢體沒有為神工作,而且也因為有許多的所謂為了神所做的so many of its members are not working for God, but because so much 事工,是在沒有等待神,而就作了的事工。working for God is done without waiting on God.. 在基督的身體上的肢體之中,有許許多多為數不同的恩賜和� Among the members of the body of Christ there is a great diversity of gifts 用,其中有人是因為疾病或是其他的責任而被限制在他(她)們家中,and operations. Some, who are confined to their homes by reason of sickness 因而相較於直接為他工作的機會,會更有較多等侯神的時間。另外 or other duties, may have more time for waiting on God than opportunity of 則有一些人, 他(她)們被工作的壓力壓過了頭,發現很難找到時間direct working for Him. Others, who are over pressed by work, find it very來等侯並且安靜地等侯神。這兩種人有可能互相補足對方所缺少的difficult to find time and quiet for waiting on Him. These may mutually supply。我希望那些有時間來等侯神的人,必定將自己與其他正在為神而 each other’s lack. Let those who have time for waiting on God definitely link工作的人連係起來。我希望那些正在為神工的人,同樣地務必向那 themselves to some who are working. Let those who are working as些被神托付,在等侯神的這項特殊服事的人,要求他(她)們的幫助definitely claim the aid of those to whom the special ministry of waiting on。如此,教會的身體的合一和健康就能被保持住。如此,那些等侯God has been entrusted. So will the maintained unity and the health of the神的人就會知道,等侯的結果是工作有能力。並且那些為神作工的body be. So will those who wait know that the outcome will be power for 人,也知道他(她)們唯一力量,是等待神而得來的思典。這樣一來,work, and those who work, that their only strength is the grace obtained by神就會為他的教會中,那等侯他的教會工作了。 waiting。So will God work for His Church that waits on Him.當我們在進行與為神工作有關的這些默想的同時,讓我們祈禠et us pray that as we proceed in these meditations on working for God, 聖靈可能展示我們,我們去為神工作這項呼召,是多麼地神聖和多the Holy Spirit may show us how sacred and how urgent work our calling is 麼地緊迫,也祈堵}靈展示我們,我們的依靠神的大能在我們裡面to, how absolute our dependence is upon God’s strength to work in us, how 工作是何等絕對,同時,那等侯神的必從新得力是如何的確定,以sure it is that those who wait on Him shall renew their strength, and how we及我們能發現等侯神以及為神工作真的是何等不可分離的一體。shall find waiting on God and working for God to be indeed inseparably one.   1。 只有當神為我工作,而且是在我裡面工作,我才能為他工作.1. It is only as God works for me, and in me, that I can work for Him. 2。 他所有為我所做的工作經過在我裡面的他的生命而做的。2. All His work for me is through His life in me.3。 如果我等侯他,那神必定會作工的。3. He will most surely work, if I wait on Him.4。 他為我所作的一切事工,以及我的等侯他,只有一個目標, 4. All His working for me, and my waiting on Him, has but one aim, to fit那就使我能適任於他的拯救人的工作。me for His work of saving men. 第二章 II 好的工作(行為)是世界的光 Good Works the Light of the World“你們是世界的光-----你們的光也當這樣照在人前,叫他們看見 ‘Ye are the light of the world. Let your light shine before men, that they 你們的好行為,便將榮耀歸給你們在天上的父。” --------馬太福音:may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.’— 第五章,第十四節,第十六節。Matthew 5:14,16.  光,經常是被看作是為了照亮黑暗之中的人,在黑暗中的人靠 A light is always meant for the use of those who are in darkness, that by it著光就可以看見了。太陽,照亮了這個世界的黑暗。一盞明燈被掛they may see. The sun lights up the darkness of this world. A lamp is hung in a在屋子裡是為了給它亮光。基督的教會卻是人類的光。這個世界的room to give it light. The Church of Christ is the light of men. The God of this神將他們的眼晴弄瞎了。基督的門徒應該照射進入他(她)們的黑暗world hath blinded their eyes; Christ’s disciples are to shine into their dark-並給他(她)們亮光。就像從太陽所放射出來光線,並將那光線撒在ness and give them light. As the rays of light stream forth from the sun and 所有的地方。照樣,信徒的好的工作(工作,和合本釋名為:行為),scatter that light all about, so the good works of believers are the light that就是從他(她)們所照射出來的光線,去征服周遭的黑暗,其特質是streams out from them to conquer the surrounding darkness, with its ignorance對神的無知以及與他疏離的情況。of God and estrangement from Him. 我們好的工作(工作,和合本釋作:行為)被賦予了多麼崇高和聖 What a high and holy place is thus given to our good works. What power is潔的地位?它們被付予的是什麼能力,依靠它們的成度有多重,它attributed to them. How much depends upon them. They are not only the light們不但是我們自己生活中的光亮和健康和喜樂,而且每一項好的工and health and joy of our own life, but in every deed the means of bringing作,帶領靈魂從黑暗中進入神的奇妙光明上都有用途。它們甚更有souls out of darkness into God’s marvellous light. They are even more. They價值。它們不但使人得福,而且也榮耀神,它們會引領人們知道神not only bless men, but they glorify God, in leading men to know Him as the是在他的兒女裡面所具有的恩典的作者。我們建議閱讀聖經中有關Author of the grace seen in His children. We propose studying the teaching of 好的工作(和合本:行為)的教導,而且特別是直接地為了神和他的Scripture in regard to good works, and specially all work done directly for 國度所做的一切工作。讓我們傾聽以下這些主人的話,要教導我們God and His kingdom. Let us listen to what these words of the Master have 些什麼。 to teach us. 好的工作以什麼為目標。------ 那就是,神會得榮耀。你記得到 The aim of good works.—It is, that God may be glorified. You remember我們的主怎麼對天父說的。“我在地上己經榮耀你,你所托付我的事how our Lord said to the Father: ‘I have glorified Thee on the earth, I have,我己經成全了。” 我們也多次在他所行許多的神蹟中,看到人們finished the work which Thou gavest Me to do.’ We read more than once of 歸榮耀給神。那是因為他所行的那些神蹟,是靠著一個屬神的能力His miracles, that the people glorified God. It was because what He had才得張顯的神蹟。我們的好的工作(馬太福音: 5:14, 16, 合和本釋:wrought was manifestly by a Divine power. It is when our good works thus 行為)同理,是超越了己經精修改進後的人所擁有一般的德性,並帶too are something more than the ordinary virtues of refined men, and bear the神的印像在它們(好的工作)上,人們因而會榮耀神。它們必須是登impress of God upon them, that men will glorify God. They must be the good山寶訓中所說的好工作(合和本釋:好行為)---神的兒女的生活,那works of which the Sermon on the Mount is the embodiment—a life of God’s是做得比別人做得更好,尋求像他(她)們在天上的父親一樣的完全children, doing more than others, seeking to be perfect as their Father in (釋者按:這種行為,在當時只有依靠聖靈才能達到,它也不是當今 管理基督徒的生活規範(Rule of life))。這樣經過人來榮耀神,可能並不能成為使人相信耶穌,但是當好的heaven is perfect. This glorifying of God by men may not mean conversion, 工作所造成的一頂有利神的印象,卻是使人相信的一項準備,好的but it is a preparation for it when an impression favourable to God has been工作(和和本釋:行為)不但為宣講神的話語輔了路,也是所教導的made. The works prepare the way for the words, and are an evidence to the神聖真理是真實的一項證據。若是沒有好的工作(和合本釋:行為),reality of the Divine truth that is taught, while without them the world is世界是亳無能力的。powerless. 整個世界是為了神的榮耀而創造的。基督來了從罪中救贖了我The whole world was made for the glory of God. Christ came to redeem 們並帶領我們回轉去服事和榮耀他。信徒被置於世界中,只有這唯us from sin and bring us back to serve and glorify Him. Believers are placed in一的目標,那就是可以將他(她)們的光照射在他她)們的好工作中,the world with this one object, that they may let their light shine in good works,以至於嬴得人們歸向神。就與太陽的光線是為著光照整個世界這件so as to win men to God. As truly as the light of the sun is meant to lighten the事一樣地真實,神兒女的好工作是為著,做為那些不知道也不愛神world, the good works of God’s children are meant to be the light of those的人所需要的光照。我們多麼須要建立一個,什麼才是好工作的正who know and love not God. What need that we form a right conception 確觀念,那是帶著一種屬天和屬神的標記,並帶著的一種能力,它what good works are, as bearing the mark of something heavenly and divine, 驅使人們承認在那些好的工作中有神的參與。and having a power to compel the admission that God is in them.聖經中記載了基督的好的工作所具有的能力:“在他裡面有生命The power of good works.—Of Christ it is written: ‘In Him was life, and ,這生命是人的光。” 神聖的生命給出的是一個神聖的光照。基督the life was the light of men.’ The Divine life gave out a Divine light. Of His曾對他的門徒說:“若有人跟從我,他就不在黑暗裡走,並要得著disciples Christ said: ‘If any man follow Me, be shall not walk in darkness, but生命的光。” 基督是我們的生命和光。當我的被教導,讓你們的光have the light of life.’ Christ is our life and light. When it is said to us, Let your照射出來,最深的意義是,讓住在你裡面的基督發射出光照。當你light shine, the deepest meaning is, let Christ, who dwells in you shine. As in (或你們)在他的生命的能力中,做你(或你們)的好工作,你(或你們)the power of His life you do your good works, your light shines out to all who的光就光照了所有看見你(或你們)的人. 而且因為住在你裡面的基督see you. And because Christ in you is your light, your works, however humble是你(或你們)的光,你(或你們)的好工作,不論是多麼卑下及微弱,and feeble they be, can carry with them a power of Divine conviction. The 都可以帶有屬神的說服力。在你(或你們)裡面工作的屬神能力所具measure of the Divine power which works them in you will be the measure of 之量度,相等於在看見它們的人之裡面做工的能力。 哦!神的兒女the power working in those who see them. Give way, O child of God, to the ,讓路給住在你裡面的基督的生命和光,並且人們將看見你(或你Life and Light of Christ dwelling in you, and men will see in your good work 們)的好工作,為這好工作,使他們將歸榮耀你們在天上的父神。that for which they will glorify your Father which is in heaven. 信徒們所做的好的工作是迫切地需要的-----這正如同每天都需要The urgent need of good works in believers.—As needful as that the太陽光照射,是呀,更有甚於此的是,每一位信徒都讓他(她)的光shines every day, yea, more so, is it that every believer lets his light shine 照射人間。為此,我們在基督裡被重新創造,緊握生命的話語(基督before men. For this we have been created anew in Christ, to hold forth the ),做為這世界中的亮光。我的弟兄姊妹們,基督迫切的需要你(或 Word of Life, as lights in the world. Christ needs you urgently, my brother, to 你們)讓他的光經過你(或你們)照射出來。你(或你們)周遭正減亡的let His light shine through you. Perishing men around you need your light, if 人,如果想找到回歸神的途逕,他(她)們需要你(或你們)的光,神需they are to find their way to God. God needs you, to let His glory be seen 要經過你(或你們)使他的榮耀被看到。就像一盞燈將一整間屋子照through you. As wholly as a lamp is given up to lighting a room, every believer 亮,每一位信徒也應該獻身自己成為這一個黑暗的世界的亮光。ought to give himself up to be the light of a dark world. 讓我們開啟探究什麼才是為神工作的學識,一項那些好的工作Let us undertake the study of what working for God is, an what good 才是為神工作的一部份,其目的是更加完全地跟隨基督,及因而讓works are as part of this, with the desire to follow Christ fully, and so to have 生命的光,照進我們的心中和生活之中,並經過我們將四周照明。the light of life shining into our hearts and lives, and from us on all around. 1。 “你們是世界的光!” 這些字表達了,教會之當作一個整體, 1. ‘Ye are the light of the world!’ The words express the calling of the 她的呼召,她的職責達成與否,將決定於她的每一個成員是否,在Church as a whole. The fulfillment of her duty will depend upon the對待他(她)們四周圍的人,在愛心以及生活上,是否信實地做好的faithfulness with which each individual member loves and lives for those 行為。around him. 2。在我們換醒教會向世界傳講福音所做的一切努力之中,我們2. In all our efforts to waken the Church to evangelize the world, our first 首要的目標必須是,致力於教導提高每一個個別的信徒的生活的標.aim must be to raise the standard of life for the individual believer of the 準:就像一支臘臅存在的唯一目的,是為了在黑暗之中提供光線一teaching: As truly as a candle only  exists with the object of giving light in the 樣地真實。你(或你們)存在的唯一目標是成為人們的一盞光源。darkness, the one object of your existence is to be a light to men3。向神祈犊恐?}靈啟示你(或你們)知道,除了讓神慈愛的生 3. Pray God by His Holy Spirit to reveal it to you that you have nothing to 命,照射在人們的心靈之上,你(或你們)沒有其他的生活的目標。live for but to let the light and love of the life of God shine upon souls. 第三章 III 兒子, 去工作 Son, go Work“兒子, 今天去我的萄桃園工作”---馬太福音:第21章,第28節。‘Son, go work to-day in my vineyard.’—Matt. 21:28. 有一位父親有兩個兒子。他給每一個兒子去到他的萄桃園並在那裡 The father had two sons. To each he gave the command to go and work 工作的命令。有一個去了, 另一個則未去。父親己經給了每一個兒 in his vineyard. The one went, the other went not. God has given the command 子在他的萄桃園中工作之命令和所需要的能力,而叫他們以世界做 and the power to every child of His to work in His vineyard, with the world as 為工作的場地。神大部份的兒女並沒有為他而工作,而且這世界卻the field. The majority of God’s children are not working for Him and the 正在敗亡之中。world is perishing.在世界上包圍著我們的有許許多多的奧秘的事,沒有任何一件比Of all the mysteries that surround us in the world, is not one of the 這件事更為奇怪而且最無法理解的---那就是,在經過了一千八百年 strangest and most incomprehensible this—that after 1800 years the very 之後,對神兒子的名字,在全人類總數中,竟然超過了一半以上,name of the Son of God should be unknown to the larger half of the human 尚未曾聽到過。race. 只要想一想, 這表示著什麼?為了挽回罪所造成的敗壞,神,全Just consider what this means. To restore the ruin sin had wrought, God, 能的創造主,真正地將他自己的兒子差派到世界上,告訴人類有關the Almighty Creator, actually sent His own Son to the world to tell men of 他的愛,而且帶給了他(她)們他的生命和救贖。當基督將衪的們徒His love, and to bring them His life and salvation. When Christ made His 做為救贖事工的參與者的時侯,並這工作所帶來的不可言喻的喜樂disciples partakers of that salvation, and the unspeakable joy it brings, it was ,可以昭然地理解,他(她)們應該將這些事蹟讓其他的人知道,並with the express understanding that they should make it known to others, and 依此而成為世界的光。他曾經說過一切經過他(她)們的宣揚和見證so be the lights of the world. He spoke of all who through them should believe, 而相信的人,亦有同樣的呼召。他離開世界卻留下明淅的教導,要having the same calling. He left the world with the distinct instruction to carry 將福音傳給每一個人聽,教導所有的民族,遵守他所吩付的所有的the Gospel to every creature, and teach all nations to observe all that He had 命令。在此同時,他給了確切的保證亦那就是在衪裡面擁有做這項commanded. He at the same time gave the definite assurance that all power 工作所需要的所有能力,而他會一直與他的子民同在,而且靠著他for this work was in Him, that He would always be with His people, and that 的聖靈的能力,他(她)們將能夠做他的見證,一直達到地球的極處。by the power of His Holy Spirit they would be able to witness to Him to the 然而現在,我們卻著到些什麼呢?經過一千八百年之後,人類中ends of the earth. And what do we see now? After 1800 years two-thirds of 有三分之二的人,只偶而少許地聽過耶穌的名字。而且另外的三分the human race have scarce heard the name of Jesus. And of the other third, 之一之中,大部分像從未聽過耶穌的人一樣地仍然肓然無知。the larger half is still as ignorant as if they had never heard.再思想一下這意味著什麼?所有這些數十百萬將死的人,不論Consider again what this means. All these dying millions, whether in 在以基督教為國教的國家或是不信的國家,在基督和他的救恩上有Christendom or heathendom, have an interest in Christ and His salvation. They 利害關係。他(她)們有一個歸向基督的權利。他(她)們的救贖是依靠have a right to Him. Their salvation depends on their knowing Him. He could 在他(她)們的認識他。他可以將他(她)們的生活從罪和邪惡,改變成change their lives from sin and wretchedness to holy obedience and heavenly 為聖潔和如天境般的喜樂。基督對他(她)們擁有權利。見到他(她)joy. Christ has a right to them. It would make His heart glad to have them 們來並在他裡面蒙福,會使他的心得喜樂。但是未信的人與他是依.come and be blessed in Him. But they and He are dependent on the service 靠他的子民的服事,來作為連接的環節,好將未信的人和他連接在of His people to be the connecting link to bring them and Him together. And 一起。但是,他的子民所做的事工,相比於,所需要做的,所能夠yet what His people do is as nothing to what needs to be done, to what could 做的,和所應該做的,則就像似什麼事工都還未曾做過。be done, to what ought to be done. 只請再一次地思考這代表著什麼。教會的狀況,是處在什麼一 Just consider yet once again what this means. What a revelation of the 個光景。被算做是信徒的人當中,在將基督傳知於他(她)們相同人state of the Church. The great majority of those who are counted believers are 類這件事上,絕大多數的人是什麼事都沒有做的。而其他另一小doing nothing towards making Christ known to their fellow-men. Of the 部分的人,在他(她)們中間大部份做的又是那麼少,其量是如此的remainder, the majority are doing so little, and that little so ineffectually, by 不足,由於缺少了全心的投入,他(她)們很難被說是將他(她)們自己reason of the lack of wholehearted devotion, that they can hardly be said to be 奉獻服事於他(她)們的主的事工上。而且所剩下的那一部份,他(她)giving themselves to their Lord’s service. And of the remaining portion, who 們奉獻自己並他(她)們所有的一切在基督的事工上,那麼多的人被have given themselves and all they have to Christ’s service, so many are 教會裡的教導那些有疾病和軟弱的人,這類醫療性的工作所佔據了occupied with the hospital work of teaching the sick and the weakly in the ,因此,被剩下自由地用在進行進取性的工作,並用在進行征服世Church, that the strength left free for aggressive work, and going forth to 界的力量,是驚人地被減少了。而且所以雖然有著一個做完的救贖conquer the world, is terribly reduced. And so, with a finished salvation, and a 之功,並有一個慈爰的救贖主,而且有而從世人中分別出來,以帶loving Redeemer, and a Church set apart to carry life and blessing to men, the 給人類生命和祝福的一個教會,卻仍有數百萬的人正在敗亡之中。millions are still perishing. 對教會而言,亳無疑問地,沒有比這件事更為強裂地及更為緊 There can be no question to the Church of more intense and pressing 急地具有重要性:期望喚醒信徒對他(她)們的神聖的呼召的正確意importance than this: What can be done to waken believers to a sense of their 識,而且使他(她)們看到為了神工作,奉獻他(她)們自己,經過他calling, and to make them see that to work for God, that to offer (她)們,神能做他的工作,這應該是他(她)們生命的唯一目標。為了themselves as instruments through whom God can do His work, ought to be 達到這項目的,有那些事是可以做的?不斷地聽到有人空無效果的the one aim of their life? The vain complaints that are continually heard of a 抱怨,極大多數的基督徒都缺乏對於神的國度的熱眨瑸榱藛拘岩籰ack of enthusiasm for God’s kingdom on the part of the great majority of 種對宣教事工的興趣,想達到他(她)們的所作宣告的,或者說,或Christians, the vain attempts to waken anything like an interest in missions 照著基督的宣告所應有的效果,那些嘗試的結果都是徒然。這樣的proportionate to their claim, or Christ’s claim, make us feel that nothing less 的情況,使我們覺得沒有比得上,有一種如同革新般的一個復興更is needed than a revival that shall be a revolution, and shall raise even the 為需要,並能夠將一般的基督徒,提高到一個全然更新的奉獻。神 average Christian to an entirely new type of devotion. No true change can 國度的律例是:每一個信徒活著,僅只是而且完全是為了神的服事come until the truth is preached and accepted, that the law of the kingdom is: 以及工作。直到這個真理被傳出並被接受,不會發生真正的改變。 Every believer to live only and wholly for God’s service and work. 那位做父親的叫他的兒子去到他的萄桃園並在那兒工作。他並The father who called his sons to go and work in his vineyard did not 未交由他們的選擇去做多或做少。他們住在他的家,他們是他的兒leave it to their choice to do as much or as little as they chose. They lived in his 子,他依靠著他們所能給他的那些貢獻,其包括了他們的時間以及home, they were his children, he counted on what they would give him, their 力量。這也是神對他的兒女的期待。一直要等到每一位神的兒女,time and strength. This God expects of His children. Until it is understood that 知道應將他(她)的全心,全都貢獻在他(她)父親的利益以及工作上,each child of God is to give His whole heart to his Father’s interest and work, 一直要到每一個神的兒女都成為神的一個工人,否則向全世界傳福until it is understood that every child of God is to be a worker for God, the 音的工作是不能完成的。希望每一個讀者聽一聽,那麼父親將會親evangelisation of the world cannot be accomplished. Let every reader listen, 自地對他(當然, 也包括她)說:“兒子,今天去我的萄桃園工作。”and the Father will say to him personally: ‘Son, go work in My vineyard.’   1。為何在為宣教工作所做的激情地呼禴,往往只有那麼少有持 1. Why is it that stirring appeals on behalf of missions often have so little 久性的結果?因為,這命令和命令的動機所達到的那些人,並沒有permanent result? Because the command with its motives is brought to men 學著,絕對的奉獻以及立時的順服於他(她)們的主,是真正得到了who have not learned that absolute devotion and immediate obedience to their 救恩的實質內容。Lord is of the essence of true salvation. 2。對宣教工作缺乏了興趣,是表徵了有著一個低級的以及病態 2. If it is once seen, and confessed, that the lack of interest in missions is 的基督徒生活,如果這現象被正視,而且被承認了,那麼所有為了the token of a low and sickly Christian life, all who plead for missions will 宣教工作呼禴的人,將會把每一位信徒完全地為神而活的呼召,當make it their first aim to proclaim the calling of every believer to live wholly f作他(她)們的首要目標。而每一個宣教士的集會將會是,一個奉獻for God. Every missionary meeting will be a consecration meeting to seek and 的聚會,專用來尋求而且降服於聖靈的能力的聚會。surrender to the Holy Spirit’s power. 3。在外的聖潔和奉獻的平均水平,不可能高過在家的時日。或 3. The average standard of holiness and devotion cannot be higher abroad 在教會中聖潔和奉獻的平均水平,也不可能高過個別信徒的水平的。 han at home, or in the Church at large than in individual believers.4。不是每一個人都能去海外,或是將他(她)的全部時間,都致4. Every one cannot go abroad, or give his whole time to direct work; but 力在直接的工作,但是每一個人,無論他(她)的呼召或是環境,都everyone, whatever his calling or circumstances, can give his whole heart to 可將他(她)全部的心力,效力於得人靈魂以及擴張神國度的生活。live for souls and the spread of the kingdom. 第四章 IV 分派各人當做的工作 To Each one his Work “這事正如一個人離間本家,寄居外邦,把權柄交給僕人,分派‘As a man sojourning in another country, having given authority to his 各人當做的工,又咐付看門的儆醒。” ---馬可福音,第十三章,第servants, to each one his work, commanded the porter also to watch.’—Mark .三十四節。13:34.  我在前一章中所說,那些教會之失敗於去做她的主人的工作,What I have said in a previous chapter of the failure of the Church to do 我或者更有甚於此地堅持地認定這項責任,應靠著每一位基督徒來her Master’s work, or even clearly to insist upon the duty of its being done by 完成,因此我被導引致提出下面的問題,須要做些什麼事情才能使every member has often led me to ask the question, What must be done to 教會對她的呼召,提高到一個正確的意識?這一本小書即是給予答arouse the Church to a right sense of her calling? This little book is an 案的一項嘗試,在我們的教導和訓練基督的門徒的各項事工之中,attempt to give the answer. Working for God must take a very different and much 為神工作這一項,在比起己經做過的,仍必須有一個十分不同和more definite place in our teaching and training of Christ’s disciples than it 更為確定的位置。has done.我在研讀這個問題之時,從一位偉大的教育家的生活和他所寫 In studying the question I have been very much helped by the life and 的書中,獲得到許多許多的幫助。在他的傳記之序文中,開頭第一 writings of a great educationist. The opening sentence of the preface to his 句告訴我們:‘在與他同一時代的英格藍(England)的學校校長之中,biography tells us: ‘Edward Thring was unquestionably the most original and愛得華。舍暈(EdwardThring)先生,毫無疑問地是最具創新和響鳴striking figure in the schoolmaster world of his time in England.’ He himself的人物。’ 他自己將他目己之能力和成功,歸功於他曾給了一些簡attributes his own power and success to the prominence he gave to a few 單的原則顯著的地位,而且他將這些原則忠盏兀?挥嫶鷥r地執行 simple principles, and the faithfulness with which he carried them out at any 出來。我發現正如同這些原則是針對教學的工作而建議的,它應亦sacrifice. I have found them as suggestive in regard to the work of preaching 可在針對傳道的工作上當作提議,而且說出這些原則,會有助於使as of teaching, and to state them will help to make plain some of the chief 本書所要教導的一些主要的教訓,弄得簡明。lessons this book is meant to teach. 造成他的教學所以有分別於他同時代所盛行的教學方式,是那The root-principle that distinguished his teaching from what was current at 基礎的原則。它是:在學校中的每一位男童,其中最笨拙的必須 the time was this: Every boy in school, the dullest, must have the same 與最聰明的得到一樣的關注。在他接受教育並以第一名畢業的依attention as the cleverest. At Eton, where he had been educated, and had 頓(Eton)小學,他看到了相反教學系統的邪惡。那間學校保持它的come out First, he had seen the evil of the opposite system. The school kept 名譽的方法,是靠著訓練一些人得著最高的成果,而同時大多數的up its name by training a number of men for the

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