

(2016-05-15 15:00:57) 下一个



Wine Bottle for Watering Plants

Image Source: Thegreenhead.com
If you do not have the luxury of time to water your plants in the morning, the best thing that you can do is to fill up a wine bottle with water and turn it over then insert the opening into the soil. After that, allow the water to seep in. You do not have to wait for it to drain out, just simply leave the wine bottle in the pot and it will work its magic.
Reuse your eggshells
Photo Source: pinterest.com
Improve your gardening soil with eggshells. Simply rinse your eggshells then put them all in a blender. Next, grind eggshells into a powder. Sprinkle the eggshells in your garden to give your plants a quick and easy calcium boost!
Propagate roses using potatoes
A simple and mundane potato is a great way to propagate roses. Potatoes contain just the right amount of nutrients and moisture for rose cuttings to develop and grow healthy roots. Note: this method also works for many other wood-stemmed plants.
Coffee grounds as pest repellent
Photo Source: pinterest.com
Coffee grounds are an abundant source of organic matter. It contains 10% of nitrogen which is a good natural source of nitrogen for your plants. Nitrogen helps plants by converting sunlight into energy. Additionally, placing coffee grounds on your plants can keep snails and slugs away because it is acidic and abrasive. Try to use two cups of coffee grounds in a five-gallon bucket of water when fertilizing your plants.
Plastic forks to deter pets and animals
Similar to how we use spikes to deter birds from landing on light poles, some people use forks to deter pets and wild animals from stampeding on their gardens. This trick will deter common animals such as rabbits, squirrels, and raccoons from ruining your plants.
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