


(2015-09-04 16:17:27) 下一个


When children get upset, the cannot be reached by reasoning. When angry, they respond only to emotional balm.


Dr. Haim G. Ginott



Two young siblings, were playing in the basement. Suddenly a noise of destruction, followed by shouting and accusations, was heard. Red with anger, Billy, age six, ran up the stairs and blurted out, “Betsy knocked over my fort.” His mother sympathized: “Oh-h-h-h,that must have made you very angry.” It sure did.” He turned around and went back to play.


This was the first time Billy’s mother managed not to get involved in her children’s daily scraps. By not asking the fatal question “Who started it?” she avoided her son’s usual recital of grievances and requests for revenge. By mirroring his immer mood,she avoided the disagreeable role of becoming judge, prosecutor, and law enforcer to her children.    


In the following episode, a mother’s empathic comment made a difference between peace and war. Nine-year-old David did not want to go the dentist. He was angry and irritating his older sister, Tina, who said to him, “Oh, David, grow up!” David became angrier and nastier.  


Her mother turned to Tina and said, “David is upset today. He’s worried about his visit to the dentist. Right now he needs all our consideration.” As if by magic, David quieted down. He went to the dentist without further complaints. By responding to David’s upset feelings, rather than to his irritating behavior, Mother made it possible for him to feel more relaxed and thus less obnoxious.  


This vignette contrasts two ways of helping small children defuse their anger and tolerate frustration. One escalates the anger: the other diminishes it.


Tom and his friend Jim, both three-year-olds, were playing with toy xylophones. When Jim’s hammer got stuck, he got angry and started to cry. His mother admonished him: “That’s no reason to carry on. I won’t fix it until you stop screaming.” Jim continued to cry and his mother took away his toy. The resulting temper tantrum was a sight to behold.



In contrast, when Tom’s hammer got stuck, and he started to cry, his mother said to him, “You’re crying because the hammer is stuck. We need to fix it.” The crying stopped. Now whenever the hammer gets stuck, Tom no longer cries, but brings it to his mother to fix.  


Jim’s mother scolded, threatened, blamed, and punished while Tom’s mother defined the problem and suggested a solution.  


  Miriam, age twelve, returned from the theater disgruntled and angry:


  MOTHER: You look unhappy.


  MIRIAM: I’m furious! I had to sit so far back that I couldn’t see anything of the play.


  MOTHER: No wonder you’re upset. It’s no fun when you sit so far back.


  MIRIAM: It sure wasn’t. Besides, there was a tall guy sitting in front of me.


  MOTHER: That’s adding insult to injury. All the way back and behind a tall person! That’s too much!


  MIRIAM: It sure was.


The helpful ingredient in Miriam’s mother’s response was her acceptance of Miriam’s mood without criticism or advice. She did not ask unhelpful questions. Such as, “Why didn’t you go earlier to get a better seat?” or “Couldn’t you ask the tall man to change seats with you?” She concentrated on helping her daughter diminish her anger.


An empathic response that mirrors to children their upset feelings and expresses the parents’ sympathy and understanding is effective in changing children’s angry moods.  


The written word can be a powerful tool for restoring damaged feelings that result from angry outbursts. Both children and parents need to be encouraged to express their feelings in writing, be it an e-mail or a letter.


One evening, thirteen-year-old Trudy hurled insults at her mother, accusing her of going into her room, unlocking her desk, and reading her diary. When she realized that her suspicion was groundless, Trudy decided to apologize in writing:


Dear Mom, I have just committed the worst crime a moral person can commit. I made my mother unhappy and miserably upset with my accusation. I’m ashamed and humiliated. I used to feel good about myself but now I hate myself. I love you, Trudy  


Trudy’s mother was upset when the note made her realize that the incident shattered Trudy’s positive self-image. She took time to compose a letter that would restore Trudy’s loving self.


Dearest Trudy, Thank you for sharing your troubled and unhappy feelings with me. What happened the other evening was difficult for both of us, but not tragic. I want you to know that my feelings about you and for you have in no way changed. I see you the same lovable person who at times can get very upset and angry. I hope you will find it in your heart to forgive yourself. Much love, Your Mom  


The mother was helpful in reassuring her daughter that getting angry need not alter one’s loving feelings for oneself or others.  


Often alter getting angry at their parents for not listening to their argument, children will present their case in writing.


A father related the following incident. In his home the children are given certificates that they may cash in for extra time at night before going to sleep. One evening, Peter, age ten, wanted to buy some time with a certificate, which he had lost. His father refused to honor a nonexistent certificate. Peter became frustrated and angry, screaming as he ran out of the room, “But you gave it to me!” When Peter’s father went to his bedroom that evening he found the following letter:


Dear Dad, If you do not let me stay up, you are not being just because (1) we both know that you gave me the certificate, (2) you know what my desk is like and I loss things, (3) you know how much I was looking forward to using the certificate. I don’t want to seem obnoxious for writing this. I’m only staying my own mind. XXX Peter





When the father read the note, he realized that Peter was showing him a way to repair the bad feelings between them. It also gave him an opportunity to try an important child-rearing principle. Whenever possible enhance your child’s self-worth. He therefore penned the following note.


Dear Son, What clarity of thought! What persuasive arguments! As I was reading it, I had to remind myself that it is not a big over-year-old young man wrote. Attachment: Certificate is already backing in place, find it yourself. Love, Dad


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