
日常英语 - 通过一小对话学习掌握关于英语听力口语的若干语言现象

(2015-07-05 11:45:58) 下一个

“Whaddaya Say” 这本书,给很多人推荐过。今天,拿出其中一课同大家一同学习。


平常尽量使用慢速的英语同别人交流,这样,别人能听懂,自己也少犯错,讲的英语也比较一致consistent。 不至于一句话讲的很流利,别人用正常语速来同你继续谈的时候,自己跟不上了。



WOMEN:      I want to make a reservation for Tuesday April 6 (sixth).
MAN:            We have a single room and a double room available for the 6 (sixth).
WOMEN:      Does the double have a refrigerator and an extra bed?
MAN:            It has a refrigerator, and we can get you a rollaway (roadway) bed.
WOMEN:      Is it quiet? And is there a charge for children under 3?
MAN:            Yes, it’s very quiet, and there’s no charge for children.
WOMEN:      Great. I’ll take it. There’ll be four people, myself, my husband and two children.
MAN:            Fine, I’ll need your name and a credit card number to hold that room.
WOMEN:      My name is Julie Kim, K-I-M, and my credit card number is 453...
MAN:            Excuse me. An airplane flew overhead and I couldn’t hear. What’s your ... ?


对话语言点 (对照原读)
( 星号 (*) 表示略读):

and -> 读成 *n


Want to -> wanna
I want to make… -> I *wanna make …

for Tuesday -> *fer Tuesday

We have -> We *’ave

… a single room and a double room -> … a single room *’n’ a double room

… available for next month -> … available *fer next month

… a refrigerator and an extra bed? -> … a refrigerator *’n’ an extra bed?

Can -> *kin
get -> *get
you -> *ya
… and we can get you a rollaway bed. -> … *’n’ we *kin git *ya a rollaway bed.

And / for: And is there a charge for children under three? -> *’N’ is there a charge *fer children under three?

It is -> it’s

… and there’s no charge for children -> *’n’ there’s no charge *fer children. (注意,这儿,’there’ 里面的 ’th’, 也因为同前面的 ‘*n’ 相连,也被同化,被省略了, 读成了: *’n’ *‘ere’s no charge *fer children.)

I will take it -> I’ll take it.

... there will be four people -> there’ll be four people.

myself, my husband and two children -> myself, my husband *’n’ two children.

I will -> I’ll

your -> *yer
to -> *ta
Fine, I’ll need your name and a credit card number to hold that room. -> Fine, I’ll need *yer name *’n’ a credit card number *ta hold that room.

April 6 –> not: April 6
a single room and a double room –> not: a single room and a double room
rollaway –> not: rollaway
rollaway bed –> not: rollaway bed
four people –> not: four people
K.I.M –> not: K.I.M, not K.I.M

连读: 几乎每句都有。
节奏:每句都有规律可寻。 至于连读,声调和节奏,每一句都模仿的对了,都模仿的惟妙惟肖了,也就都掌握了。

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