雨女 (热门博主)
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炒股学习笔记(8)--hedge(ratio call spread, ratio put spread)

(2025-02-13 19:49:12) 下一个



When NVDA is 150, sell its 150 call + sell 145 put 

You are likely to collect $15 on the call, and $10 on the put for a total of $25 credit.

In this case, NVDA drops right after it hits 5th wave high. Anytime NVDA stays above 120, you essentially end up owning more at 120 for a profit (because you have that $25 cedit) --- You are going to buy more shares anyway. When NVDA dropped below 120 due to deepseek, you can sell more put at 120 for another $10.

In a unlikely case if NVDA keeps going up after 150, you are well covered all the way to 175 (also due to that $25 credit). Because this is 5th wave, it is very unlikely NVDA can go above 175.



问:opst 和三心,请教怎么决定卖CC的时机,是看IV,theta这些吗?

答:我很少只卖cc. 我hedge的时间一般由2点决定:Big event such as ER, or 5th wave。去年QQQ around 540, 和TSLA460-480 都是因为5th wave 去hedge的


我现在用1 在英伟达上。如果它涨超过160我就认了(卖1/3的positiin) ,就是下面两张图。特斯拉如果涨到400上方,我会用3

(4) 第三种方法(3):1,2是对前面的重复性总结 3才是第三种方法。



1:ratio call spread + ratio put spread 
该策略适用于你认为短期上涨空间有限的股票(比如说前2天NVDA的例子,它在财报后涨破160 unlikely),同时你愿意在股价大幅下跌时买入更多(本例中,若跌至110)。

2: Bull put spread -- 你认为某只股票当前价格有吸引力,但担心进一步下跌风险。建立 Bull put spread允许你在股价上涨时获利,同时如果股价大幅下跌,你也能以较小的风险获得该股票。

3: Now let's look into 3rd scenario: 如果你想保护股票的下行风险,但又不确定股票的上涨空间。你不想使用(Covered Call) -- 因为如果股价持续大涨,你可能会失去所有股票,该怎么办?

例如,如果 TSLA 下周涨到 400,你感到非常担忧,但又不想直接在 400 卖出Covered Call。 在这种情况下,你可以考虑 Bear Call Spread + Ratio Put Spread。

Bear Call Spread: Sell TSLA 400 call and Buy TSLA 420 call, with a credit of $9
Ratio Put Spread: Buy TSLA 400 Put and Sell 2 TSLA 360 put, with a debit of $9
在这个组合策略中,你利用 Call Spread 的credit 收入来覆盖Put Spread的成本。

如果 TSLA 继续上涨,你最多损失 $20 的利润(从 400 到 420),但即使 TSLA 涨到 450 或 480,你仍能保留其余所有利润。
如果 TSLA 继续下跌,你在360 之前都有完整的保护,并且在 320 附近实现盈亏平衡(也就是说,相当于没有进行对冲)。但是,你必须愿意在 320 附近额外买入更多股票。
如果你对在 320 买入额外股份感到不适,那么可以把Ratio Put Spread改为普通的Put Spread,避免承担额外买入的义务。
这个策略最大的优点就是,你不用担心简单的covered call 所照成的股票被call 走的情况

(3)第一种方法。两个例子 (2、15、20250)


(2)一个复杂的hedge (2/13/2025) by 三心三意



1: 建立 ratio call spread 140-150 (1:2) at $0 credit/debit, 同时建立 put spread 140/125 (1:1), 大概 $4 debit.

2: 当英伟达财报前波动到135, 再一次卖出125 put, 估计$3-$4 credit。这样和#1的put spread 在一起就成 ratio put spread 140/125 (1:2) at $0 credit/debit.

财报后如果英伟达涨,最坏结果是我的1/3仓位被160卖掉。如果英伟达只涨到150,这1/3仓位多赚10点。 如果英伟达掉,1/3的仓位在125以上的损失都被ratio put spread 保护。如果大掉,最坏结果是在110又买入1/3的仓位。

整个组合cost $0 premium

(1)play call ratio spread on TSLA (2/13/2025)by 三心三意


For example, if you hold 100 shares of Tesla, you could

1: Buy 1 March 14th 350 call for $19.5

2: Sell 2 March 14th 380 call for $9.5

The net cost of the above transaction is $0.

If Tesla rise to 380 before 3/14, you can take the max profit of all the spread, which is $3000. You breakeven point would be 410 --- the loss on the covered call will equal to the gain on the spread. In this case, you just close both positions with no profit, but the underline stock is now 410 so you are still better off. 

This strategy allows you to essentially buy the call spread with zero cost for this short term bounce.

I did this yesterday on 340/370, but I think it is not too late to play 350/380

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