雨女 (热门博主)
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炒股学习笔记(8)--hedge(ratio call spread, ratio put spread)

(2025-02-13 19:49:12) 下一个

(2)一个复杂的hedge (2/13/2025) by 三心三意



1: 建立 ratio call spread 140-150 (1:2) at $0 credit/debit, 同时建立 put spread 140/125 (1:1), 大概 $4 debit.

2: 当英伟达财报前波动到135, 再一次卖出125 put, 估计$3-$4 credit。这样和#1的put spread 在一起就成 ratio put spread 140/125 (1:2) at $0 credit/debit.

财报后如果英伟达涨,最坏结果是我的1/3仓位被160卖掉。如果英伟达只涨到150,这1/3仓位多赚10点。 如果英伟达掉,1/3的仓位在125以上的损失都被ratio put spread 保护。如果大掉,最坏结果是在110又买入1/3的仓位。

整个组合cost $0 premium

(1)play call ratio spread on TSLA (2/13/2025)by 三心三意


For example, if you hold 100 shares of Tesla, you could

1: Buy 1 March 14th 350 call for $19.5

2: Sell 2 March 14th 380 call for $9.5

The net cost of the above transaction is $0.

If Tesla rise to 380 before 3/14, you can take the max profit of all the spread, which is $3000. You breakeven point would be 410 --- the loss on the covered call will equal to the gain on the spread. In this case, you just close both positions with no profit, but the underline stock is now 410 so you are still better off. 

This strategy allows you to essentially buy the call spread with zero cost for this short term bounce.

I did this yesterday on 340/370, but I think it is not too late to play 350/380

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