some personal suggestions about how adult Chinese learns English
(2005-10-14 14:40:35)
I discussed with some friends in online chat rooms about how to learn English well. Here are some of my suggestions, based on my English-learning experience, for adult learners who want to communicate in both oral English and written English. I am not an English teacher.
1. Find out which English dialect you like: British English, American English/Canadian English, Australian English/New Zealand English, India English......
2. Find an oral English class with a native English speaker who is from this dialect English area and enrol you in this class for at least a few weeks. Ask the teacher to correct your pronunciation. This is paramount important for you to learn English well. We Chinese tend to omit some sounds such as t, p, k when we speak English. For example, we want Team 1. Correct English should be heard as wi: wont ti:m won. When we omit the t sound in word want, the sound is heard as wi: wont ti:m won (we won Team 1, a totally different meaning). T, P and K sounds should be heard clearly from telephone conversation.
3. Listen to English radios with standard speeds. Never listen to the slow English broadcast of VOA. You may go to online radio stations such as a CBC radio station in Toronto ( #). You can listen to hourly news at the beginning of every hour and other talk shows. Before you listen to news, you may go to to read news first to become familiar with words in news. You may record the news portion and listen to it again. At beginning, you may only catch one or two words. With time, you will catch more and more words and understand the whole sentence and paragraphs. You may mimic what you listen to.
4. Watch English TV series. They are very helpful for you to understand how they talk in different situations.
5. Read news report in English. You may go to or to find news.
6. Memorize some good papers and read them loudly.
7. Read some English novels/books/newspapers.
Finally, English is a language. The only way to improve your English is to practise it.
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