第三天,我们要游览国王峡谷国家公园(Kings canyon N P)。
到Kings cayon游,一定要走 grant tree trail,这里集中了许多巨衫,看这两颗大树,树根连在一起的,成为双生树。
还有著名的美国圣诞树General Grant tree.这些千年大树现在还在生长中呦。
这个小木屋Gamlin cabin是1872年Gamlin 和他的兄弟Thomas建成的。里面有窗户和壁炉。一百多年前,在深山老林里建一个小木屋,很了不起。
我们去了Hume lake,平静的湖面在阳光照耀下,波光粼粼,周围绿树环绕,远处有雪山相称,美景尽显。
还有一个景点Big stump,一个很大的树墩。走一条曲径通幽的小路 ,尽头就是这个巨大的树墩。这颗树300尺高,周长91尺,曾经是世界最大的树。有1千多顿重,很难想象,当这巨树轰然倒下时,该是何等的惊天动地啊!
April 3, 2016
Today is the last day going to Sequoia National Park. Actually, we went to the great Kings Canyon National Park. The road to the actually canyon is long. Because it was our last day, we drove to the about a quarter of the road and went hiking.
We first went through a log that explorers camped out in. Later on, we saw an another tree called the General Grant Tree. It is the nation's Christmas Tree.
We went on and saw Hume Lake. It is a huge and I couldn not see the end! It was that big of a lake!
At around 3 pm, we stopped by at a trail to a stump. It was called the Mark Twain Stump. It used to be one of the greatest tree it that area, but it was cut down for people to see in museums for the other side.
We went home safely and that was pretty much it for the day.
I really want to go back to camp in a campground and have bbqs and toast marshmallows.