总之,今天大家把Yoga Mat摆好等着,到10点了,还没老师来。
俺自告奋勇跑楼下office, 问clerk, 问maintenance, 再找officer, 也没结果。
回去就对大家说:We all know how to do it. Let's start.
”You go to the front." 同学说。
俺没挪到最前边的leading position
- First, lie down, let's do meditation,
- Put your right arm over the head, stretch your right toes and point to the ground
- Then right arm back along the body side, and put your left arm over the head....
- Put both arms over the head, lock the thumbs, lock two big toes
- Put two hand under the hips, legs to the celling, open wide, circle. Clockwise twice, counter-clockwise twice
- Now two legs point to the ceilling, circle them together. Clockwise twice, then counter-clockwise twice
- Lie down, bend the left knee, right knee straight and lift 4 inches over the ground. Two hands hold left knee, forehead touch this knee. ten times. Then do same for right knee.
- Put right hand over the head, bend left leg, turn right, right hand push the ground, bring body to the sitting position
- Now we do neck exercise. Chin on the chest, rotating neck clockwise, then counter-clockwise; chin on the chest, look at the sky, then chin on the chest; left ear to left shoulder, centre, right ear to right shoulder
- Now stand in front of the mat, mountain pose, hands to the sky, then sitting on the chair position; hands on ground, right leg to the sky, left leg back, do downward facing dog, then up dog, downward facing dog, right leg to the sky, lunge! to warrior I; both hands on the ground, left leg step forward, hands to the sky, then sitting on the chair; Next, do same for left leg. Hands on the ground, left leg to the sky....Do this 4 more times, and do it as fast as you can.
- Now stand along the mat, spread the legs, bend the knees. float, then two hands cross over the centre. do it 10 times.(这个姿势令俺腿痛肚子痛,肯定管用,所以10次)this will exercise your butt.
- Now we do tree pose: right leg on the thigh, hands in front, press the palms; stretch right leg to the front, then straight to the back. ben forward. back parallelize to the ground, and right leg parallelize to the ground, look forward. Then do same to the left leg.
- Pose as Warrior I, straight both legs, right hand on right feet, left arm points to the sky, and look back at the left hand--triangle pose; then left hand to the right feet, right arm to the sky, look at the sky -- twist triangle. Left hand on the back, right hand lock it from under the right thigh. Then we do same to the left leg.
- Knelt down on the mat, sit on the heels. Child pose!
- Lie down on the mat, we'll do shoulder stand. Hands under hips, legs up to the sky, shoulder stand! hold! bend the knees, over head, knees touch ears, toes touch the ground.
- Belly on the mat, right leg bends, right hand grabs the right foot; left hand grabs left foot - rolling boat! roll, back and forward
- Lie on the mat, bend both knees, hands hold the knees. roll left, centre, right - back massage.
- Lie on the mat, right hand over the head, bend the left knee, turn right; left hand push the ground, bring you to the sitting position. Both hands in front of the chest. With this, my friend, Namaste!
"u remember almost everything!" 一个同学说。
“This is pretty good!" 另一个说。
俺看大家还不走,就说:“In China, all the students gather to the playground, and do exercise together, like this:"
然后俺就带了他们几节第N套广播体操现在开始了,one two three four, five six seven eight; two two three four, five six seven eight; three two three four......直到跳跃运动。
俺看他们还不走,就说俺小时候是武术队的,学了不少基本功, 是这样子的。
于是,俺教了他们小时候学过的前踢腿:straight body, stretch arms, toes to the eye brow.
再教了侧踢腿:kick high, right arm over the head, touch the left toe; then do another leg.
还教了内摆腿:swing! You have to swing, not kick! Swing your right leg, until it touch your stretched left hand; then swing your left leg to the right hand.
旁边的白女开心且兴奋着,叠声对俺说:”Thanks you so much! You are pretty good!"
也许俺应该去拿个Yoga instructor的license, 去教大家Yoga.