
春天马兰头-香干马兰头,包子,饺子,馄饨, 炒饭

(2015-04-23 12:58:35) 下一个

I have seen a lot of posts asking for 马兰头. 

马兰头 is very tender and juicy in 春天, so it's the best season to enjoy 马兰头 in 春天 compared with other seasons. It's amazing to have 马兰头炒饭 made with egg and the famous 香干马兰头... 

You can actually enjoy it all year round (except winter if your area is cold in winter). 马兰头 to me is the Number 1 maintenance free vegetable (maybe because it belongs to the wild category...). It's even easier to maintain than 韭菜...  

Every year from spring to fall, The fresh 马兰头 can be used to make 馄饨包子炒饭  香干马兰头... 

If you would like to have 马兰头 plants and/or roots, please send me 悄悄话 message. I am re-organizing my garden now and still have some 马兰头 left.


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乡村小农妇 回复 悄悄话 Do you still hv Malantou left!