
Shame on those who fat-shame

(2015-09-04 21:12:22) 下一个

Body-shaming bullies or health-advocates? You decide.

A new group going by the name ofThInnerBeauty has taken to social media with what they say is a message of “health, fitness and beauty.” However experts and those promoting body acceptance and self-love at any size, couldn’t disagree more.

ThInnerBeauty’s website, Facebook page, Twitter account and Reddit pageare peppered with Photoshopped “before and after” weight loss images of plus-sized celebrities, models and people like you and me. They claim Photoshopping these images provides insight into “visible, achievable health goals” for those they deem to be unfit, unhealthy and simply, just too fat.

They claim the images show “how much more beautiful people (they) could be if they made the difficult, lifelong commitment to a regimen of personal fitness.”

The question is, who decides what the standard of beauty is? And who said the larger people in the photos weren’t healthy? It seems ThInnerBeauty wants to be the authority on the subject and people aren’t buying in.

The group’s first iteration called, Project Harpoon caused its social media accounts to be suspended, after the Huffington Post UK exposed the group’s fat-shaming photographs and messaging just last week. U.S. plus-sized model, Tess Holliday also spoke against the campaign since her images were used without her consent. "Loving yourself is the most powerful message we all need to stand behind," Holliday told E! News.

If not to do with love, what do these particular Photoshopped images say? Clinical psychologist Dr. Barbara Greenberg, Ph.D., says this campaign could lead to eating disorders.

Fat-shamers cause stir online

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“I’m really disappointed because I thought we were making some strides in moving toward accepting a healthier body,” says Greenberg who blogs atdrbarbaragreenberg.com.

“If their objective is sincerely and genuinely, that they’re concerned about women’s health, this is exactly the wrong way to go about it. By shaming them. The way that a message is delivered, makes a tremendous amount of difference.”

Dr. Sean Wharton, internal medicine specialist and director of the Wharton Weight Management Clinic couldn’t agree more. He says individuals can be “healthy at any size; and whether a person is thin or large is not a definitive indicator of health.” He also says the misconception that somehow people living with obesity lack the willpower to lose weight also causes ridicule and emotional distress, which can cause more harm than good for the person’s well-being.

“Obesity is a chronic medical condition NOT a lifestyle choice. Make no mistake; losing weight is always work. Saying that ‘it’s as simple as…’ is harmful, because it says that the only reason these people haven’t lost weight is because they haven’t tried.”

This notion of an obese or overweight person “not trying” overwhelmingly comes across in ThInnerbeauty’s messaging. In an email to Postmedia Network, ThInnerbeauty said they’re not fat-shaming, only trying to show that “there is potential for betterment.” But with negative messaging that is found on their Facebook page such as “Obesity is not healthy!” “Fat is not beautiful!”it’s a concern.

“If there is a silver lining here, it’s that it’s a teaching moment for parents, ”says Dr. Greenberg. “Mothers can use and print out (all this stuff) and talk to their daughters about it, hopefully give them a message that there are many things in life to value not simply your body weight.”

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