

(2017-08-21 10:12:09) 下一个


靖国神社里的很多是经过审判的战犯。 南北战争里南军的这些是职业军人。  约定俗成的职业军人参战是不犯法的 (参考下面的摘选), 除非他们对交战对手,战俘,平民有屠杀,折磨等犯罪行为。





Historical note

The concept of war crimes is a recent one. Before World War II, it was generally accepted that the horrors of war were part of the nature of war, and recorded examples of war crimes go back to Greek and Roman times.

Before the twentieth century armies frequently behaved brutally to enemy soldiers and non-combatants alike - and whether there was any punishment for this depended on who eventually won the war.

Commanders and politicians usually escaped any punishment for their role in war - or, if they lost, were summarily executed or imprisoned.

There was no structured approach to dealing with 'war crimes' nor any general agreement that political and military leaders should take criminal responsibility for the acts of their states or their troops.

Attitudes changed during World War II when the murder of several million people - mainly Jews - by Nazi Germany, and the mistreatment of both civilians and prisoners of war by the Japanese, prompted the Allied powers to prosecute the people they believed to be the perpetrators of these crimes.

These trials provide the main precedents for cases being heard by tribunals in this century, among them the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague.

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