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下面这段3分钟的喜剧短视频,说的全是英文, 看你能听懂多少?
如果你听不太懂,那么请学习下面的Gen Z 语言,然后再听一遍。 Gen Z 就是Generation Z, 指1997到2012年出生的年轻一代。我估计城里大多数人是Generation X, 就是 1965 到1980年出生的人,Gen Z是城里人的儿女辈下一代。 了解下一代的语言,才知道他们在网上聊什么。
flex on me = to show off that makes me feel bad about myself or feel inadequate
I’m dead = that is so funny I laughed so hard I died
bet = OK, agree with something
leave me on read = read my message but don’t text me back, meaning ignoring me
catch these hands = a term or expression people use when they are about to start a fight.
bread = money
that sent me = that made me laugh ( made me excited)
no cap = no lying, for real
lit = cool, awesome
dripping = swag, drip is a term for a cool or sexy trend or style.
deadass = seriously
bag = money bag
sheesh = used to express shock, surprise or excitement
sus = suspicious
这个视频里面15岁的坏蛋不但说Gen Z 语言,行为也非常地Gen Z。 007走进房间时,他正在录抖音视频。最后007用面包里的gluten打倒了坏蛋,夺下了天价非法黑软件,结果一插入软件发现被Rickrolled。(What is a RickRoll? In short: It's an internet prank. A good one. Rick rolling started around 2007 on online bulletin boards like 4chan and Reddit, where users would post a link that unexpectedly directed other users to a video of Rick Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up". Hence, Rickrolling.)