候鳥的驛站台灣(Taiwan: A Rest Stop for Migratory Birds):
台灣位于東亞島弧中樞,是東北亞與東南亞的交會處,加上台灣地形多樣,有高山,平原,溼地等,提供不同鳥類生活所需,這些得天獨厚的條件讓台灣成爲候鳥遷徙途中的重要停靠站或目的地,一年四季都有不同的鳥類踏上旅途,飄洋過海, 與我們在台灣相遇。
Taiwan is located at the intersection of Northeast and Southeast Asia, within the East Asia island arc. It has a varied terrain, including high mountains, plains, and wetlands, which provide for the needs of different species of birds. These natural advantages make Taiwan an important rest stop or destination for migratory birds.Throughout the year, different species of birds embark on migratory journeys, crossing the ocean, to arrive in Taiwan.
1. 北極燕鷗(Arctic tern)-長達9萬多公里的最遙遠遷徙。(Travels the longest distance during migration, more than 90,000 kilometers.)--東大西洋遷徙區。
2. 紅尾鴝(Black redstart)-黑海-地中海遷徙區(Black Sea-Mediterranean Flyway )
3. 穗即(Northern Wheatear)西亞-東非遷徙區(West Asian-East African Flyway)
4. 斑頭雁(Bar-headed goose)飛行高度最高的鳥,可飛越喜馬拉雅山脉。(The highest-flying bird, it is able to soar over the Himalayas.)中亞-南亞遷徙區(central-sough Asian Flyway.)
5. 紅腳隼 (Amur falcon) 遷徙距離最長的猛禽,自東北亞飛到非洲度冬,單程就達1萬5千公里。(Among birds of prey, this species travels the farthest during migration, around15,000 kilometers one way, from Northeast Asia to africa where it spends the winter.)
6. 斑尾鷸(Bar-tailed godwit)飛行一周以上不眠不休的橫跨太平洋(Able to fly nonstop for one week or more, across the Pacific Ocean.)東亞-澳大利亞遷徙區(East Asian Australasian Flyway.)
7. 棕煌蜂鳥(Rufous hummingbird)美洲太平洋遷徙區(Pacific Americas Flyway.)
8. 寬翅鵟(Broad-winged hawk) 美洲密西2比遷徙區(Mississippi americas Flyway)
9. 紅腹濱鷸(Red knot)美洲大西洋遷徙區(Atlantic Americas Flyway)
什么是遷徙?(What is migration?)
(Migration refers to a phenomenon in which groups of animals move back and forth between two places on a regular basis, usually along a fixed route. As the earth's axis of rotation is tilted at an angle of 23.5 degrees as it revolves around the sun, there are four distinct seasons and the seasons in the Northern Hemisphere are opposite of those in the Southern Hemisphere. As resources vary among seasons, species that are dependent on those resources must adjust. Birds are only vertebrates to dominate the land, sea, and sky. As such, they exhibit great diversity in their adaptations to their environment. Migration evoled as an important behavior to improve the abilities of birds to adapt and survive. )
遷徙的原因 (Reasons for migration)
There are numerous theories about why birds evolved migratory behavior. Many scholars believe that it was due to the alternating glacial and interglacial periods. During periods of glacial activity, birds living in high latitude areas migrated to low latitude areas in order to survive. As glaciers receded, birds instinctively returned to areas of high latitude to breed,developing migratory behavior. Although , at present, we are not in a peak period of glacial activity, at high latitudes there are four distinct seasons. Extreme cold in winter reduces food resources and increases survival pressure,such that birds migrate southward to lower latitude.
擁有尖長型翅膀的鳥類,如燕鷗,適合長距離飛行。(Long pointed wings, such as those of terns, are suited to long-distance flights.)
擁有短圓型翅膀的鳥類,如五色鳥, 則適合短距離飛行。(Short rounded wings, such as those of the Taiwan barbet, are suited to short-distance flights.)
決定定居--候鳥變留鳥,(Settling down-Migratory birds become resident birds.)
再度起程-留鳥變候鳥。(Restarting the journey-Resident birds become migratory birds)