2015 (765)
2017 (183)
2018 (183)
2019 (216)
2020 (171)
2021 (174)
2022 (205)
2023 (145)
2024 (152)
(Climate--气候 : Climate is the weather an area has over a number of years. 气候就是指某地域长时期的天气情况。
Temperature--温度 : Temperature is the measurement of heat or cold.
Precipitation--降水 : Precipitation is the moisture that falls to Earth as rain or snow. 降水是指降落到地面上的雨水或者是雪。
Equator--赤道:An imaginary line drawn around the earth equally distant from both poles, dividing the earth into northern and southern hemisphere and constituting the parallel of latitude 0 °。围绕地球绘制的假想线。距离两极相等,将地球划分为北半球和南半球。构成纬度0 °的平行线。
Latitude: 纬度:An imaginary line on map or globes. Lines of latitude run east and west. 一种假想线画在地图上或者是在地球仪上, 纬线指示东西方向。
Longitude: 经度: An imaginary line on map or globes. Lines of longitude run north or south. 一种假想线在地图上或者是在地球仪上,经线指示南北方向。
Grid: 方格:A grid is a set of criss-crossling lines. 方格就是一组交错的线
Pollution: 污染:Pollution is something --such as harmful chemicals--that makes our air, soil, and water dirty. Sometimes these chemicals mix with moisture in the air. When the polluted moisture falls to the ground, it is called acid rain. Acid rain can take the form of snow, dew, or frost. Acid rain can destroy trees and pollute the soil so it cannot support new growth. When forest die, animals must find new shelter. Acid rain can also pollute rivers and lakes and , therefore, kill fish as well.