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"Wise Words From Great Thinkers"
1. Love your work, then you will find pleasure in mastering it.
2. Appreciate the many things that make your life so valuable.
3. Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.
4. Your character is your destiny.
5. Education is the most important aspect of society.
6. The apple doesn't fall far from its tree.
7. Leave nothing for tomorrow that you can do today.
8. Chop your own wood; it will warm you twice.
9. You do not know you've learned something until after the fact.
10. Remain open, flexible, curious.
11. love books.
12. Love many, hate few.
13. Learn to paddle your own canoe.
14. Personality opens doors; character keeps them open.
15. Forgive and forget
16. Do not be ashamed to fail.
17. All people are born free and equal.
18. Inspiring wisdom can change your life forever.
19. Jealousy and anger shorten life.
20. One line of wisdom can change your life line of more than volumes of books.
21. Let yourself enjoy life.
22. Hatred can destroy a person's soul.
23. Adversity is a great teacher.
24. Good books are worth more than they cost.
25. Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings.
26. Every person has a unique past, present, and future.
27. You can make your dreams come true if you wake up and work.
28. There is a difference between news and gossip.
29. Telling the truth is a brave act.
30. Reading a great book can be a creative experience.
在有点时间的时候,就随便读点书。几年前在一家书店发现有一本书较好。名字叫--[8,789 words of wisdom]--by Barbara Ann Kipfer. 在这本书里选取了不少有哲理性的语句。今天就选择一些来读一读。有一点让自己感到很惭愧的是:几年过去了,书只读了一半,也许是个坏习惯,东看一点,西看一点,所以有几本书都是只读到了一半。最近想加加油,争取把剩下的部分读完。