2015 (765)
2017 (183)
2018 (183)
2019 (216)
2020 (171)
2021 (174)
2022 (205)
2023 (145)
2024 (152)
2025 (9)
"。。。Next to my favorite suger maple tree beside the barn is a tall aspen. When I was younger, I heard the most beautiful birdsong coming from the top of that tree. It was not a call; it was a true birdsong, with trills and warbles. I stood beneath that tree for the longest time, hoping to catch sight of the bird who was singing such a song. I saw no bird---only leaves waving in the breeze. The longer I stared up at the leaves. the more it seemed that it was the tree itself that was singing. every time I passed that tree, I listened. Sometimes it sang, sometimes it did not, but from then on I always called it the singing tree."...
"。。。I gazed up and down the river. Not a soul in sight. The water looked cool and clear. Gram and Gramps sat there in the river, grinning away. I waded in and sat down. It was nearly heaven, with that cool water rippling and a high, clear sky all around us, and trees waving along the banks."
在周末的时候,自己会有一点时间读读英文。在读的过程中,如果发现书中有描绘景物且易懂的地方,自己就会把其中的一个小片段摘抄下来。这样在隔一段时间的时候,再回过头去重读一遍,这样也许能够达到“温故而知新” 的目的。其实那本书自己还没有读完,因为英文没那么好,所以读书的速度就很慢很慢。可是“龟兔赛跑”的故事一直在鼓励着自己,所以就慢慢的学吧。