
What is a dink

(2019-03-20 20:27:21) 下一个


I. what is dink (husband and wife)

The name DINK comes from the combination of the first letters of the English words Double Income No Kids: D, I, N and K -- DINK

Double Income No Kids is sometimes written as Double Income and No Kid(Kids). Only from the word

Double income, no kids. If the passive choice not to call the child dink? That seems like a pretty obvious question

It's hard to answer because the passive cause may be economic, it may be biological, personal development or family and so on


Therefore, the most reasonable definition is: dual occupation, can give birth to but choose not to have children, and subjectively consider themselves as dink individuals

Or a couple, call it a dink or a dink couple.

The primary criteria for becoming a dink are:

1, with fertility and choose not to bear, in addition to the active birth, may also be subjective or objective reasons and passive choice


2. Subjectively accept and recognize their dink identity. They think dink is a way of life, while in real life, too

It is these groups that recognize themselves as dink's role and can better stick to their own choices and manage and enjoy their dinks

G of life.

Two, what is dink family

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Double Income Nokids, Double Income Nokids, Double Income Nokids, Double Income Nokids, Double Income Nokids

A family of two people. Dink couples are pushing for a shift away from the traditional notion of marriage as a place to carry on the family line

Live a quality, free "two-person" life.

DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family DINK family

The proportion of white-collar couples, in particular, is increasing. The main reason dinks don't want children is that they don't want to do it for a lifetime

Their children work hard, give everything, and want to have a good time together.

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