
Yi nengjing qinhao shenyang held the third wedding marathon

(2018-06-27 02:36:51) 下一个

 Yi honeymouthed said: "I had 2 year in shenyang, liaoning province, can feel you to my love and passion, treat me like a completely like family, after the city of shenyang, also please relatives and good friends advice, from now on, I am in shenyang daughter-in-law."

  Yi nengjing toasted his friends and relatives

  Reception process according to the shenyang customs, cigarette reply, toast to table, everything is many, the groom Qin Hao today morning burst in weibo wrote "father, the blacksmith, warrior, Notre Dame, girl, woman, stranger ~ I belong to her, he belongs to me, from this day, and die." It's sweet to promise love to Annie.

  Yi nengjing qinhao shenyang wedding scene

  Yi said in a wedding banquet at special thanks to my mother: "I don't have my father since childhood, mother is very hard, mom put our family raised independently, mother gall-stone operation, 2 days ago was very worried that she can't come, I want to thank mom ran so far, you hard." Parents from both sides attended the ceremony.

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