
Janice Dickinson’s fiancé gets face lift for wedding day

(2015-11-19 22:32:35) 下一个

Janice Dickinson’s fiancé gets face lift for wedding day

Janice Dickinson isn’t going under the knife for her wedding day, but her fiancé is.

Acclaimed psychiatrist Dr. Robert “Rocky” Gerner revealed on “Inside Edition” that he underwent a procedure for a face lift, in order to look perfect for his bride-to-be.

“I wanted to look my very best. Janice is a supermodel,” the 68-year-old said. “I don’t have to change for her to love me.”

While Gerner’s seven-hour operation set him back a reported $25,000, Beverly Hills-based surgeon Dr. Ben Talei admitted the AuraLyft process, which releases the muscle instead of pulling or tightening it, was “tougher than most.”

Janice Dickinson’s fiancé gets face lift for wedding day

“Instead of using the skin as your primary focus, you focus on the muscle and the fat and you go in between muscle areas, the deep plain, and you release all the ligaments, the connections, that have formed over time,”Talei told the Daily Mail.

“He [Gerner] has a very large face and he’s a man, men overall have beards, they have a lot of blood supply under the skin and there’s a lot of issues that you can run into, but all that does is make the procedure go longer, but the outcome is always consistent.”

Though Gerner’s doctor gave him the thumbs-up just two weeks after the procedure, Dickinson, 60, insisted that she adores her man no matter the skin he’s in.

“I love you the way you are,” she said.

The pair have yet to reveal their wedding date.

Filed under celebrity engagements , celebrity plastic surgery , janice dickinson

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