
3 Surprising Ways Surgical Tape Can Up Your Beauty Game

(2015-09-17 18:34:50) 下一个

3 Surprising Ways Surgical Tape Can Up Your Beauty Game

If there was an MVB—most valuable beauty tool—award at the Spring 2016 Creatures of the Wind show, surgical tape might have just nabbed the prize. Makeup artist Aaron de Meyused the first-aid-kit staple to perfect a party-ready eye look with no shortage of glitter. That got us wondering—just how many other ways could we use the sticky stuff? Check out these three genius moves.

3 Surprising Ways Surgical Tape Can Up Your Beauty Game

To Clean Up Glitter

With a look this glitzy, it was impossible to avoid stray bits of glitter falling from the eye lids onto the face. So de Mey created a loop of surgical tape, ensuring the tacky side was facing outward. He then dabbed it over the cheeks to pick up the shimmering particles without destroying the models' already-perfected complexions. “It’s not as sticky [as regular tape],” he said. “I’ve tried everything, but I find surgical tape is the best way to do it."

To Shape a Cat Eye

If you’ve ever attempted to wing out your eyeliner freehand, you know it requires neurosurgeon-like precision. Well, quit stressing and grab a piece of surgical tape. Use it as a type of stencil, positioning from the outer edge of the eye, outward (ending at the spot you want to the liner to stop). The more dramatic the wing, the steeper the angle of the tape. Then place your liner on the edge and draw outward along the side of the strip.

To Prevent Expression Lines

Ever heard of Frownies? The stick-on patches combat wrinkles by holding down the creases between your eyebrows to prevent them from furrowing while you sleep. A couple short strips of surgical tape placed in an “X” pattern between your brows will accomplish the same thing. (We tried it!)

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