

(2020-10-19 06:07:26) 下一个

Lenin |  IN AND.  Lenin on a walk in the park while resting after ... |  Flickr


Josef Stalin as a young revolutionary in 1900.

JV Stalin, VM Molotov and members of the Politburo carry an urn with the ashes of Maxim Gorky.  Moscow.  THE USSR.  June 21, 1936

Aisin-Gioro Puyi 1906 –1967 of Manchu Aisin Gioro clan, commonly known as Puyi (溥儀), was the last Emperor of China and 12th and final ruler of the Qing dynasty. Still a child, he ruled as Xuantong Emperor from 1908 until his abdication on 12 February 1912, after the successful Xinhai Revolution. In 1934, he was declared the Kangde Emperor of the puppet state of Manchukuo by the Empire of Japan, and he ruled until the end of 2nd Sino-Japanese War in 1945.

Ge. Yeh being greeted by Gen Chou En-lai on arrival at Yenan.





1973-9 大同 九龙壁


Jin Shangyi - Zhou Enlai






Baby being weighed at a clinic in church courtyard.  Photos taken by Carl Mydans, Lung Chuan-I, China in 1941 for LIFE Magazine. Source: LIFE Magazine-1, 2, 3



Rare Chinese Cultural Revolution photos on display - BBC News


MacArthur, Douglas: MacArthur, 1932


20 Historical Photographs Brought Back to Life with Colourisation




Brothers, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, and Ted Kennedy, Right, in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts Photographic Print at AllPosters.com








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