


(2014-11-16 07:33:20) 下一个
Steve is very showy and flamboyant,probably it has to do with his business in design. He seems to have the money to burn.

梁志天(Steve Leung),香港十大顶尖设计师之一,拥有香港大学建筑学学士,城市规划硕士多个显赫学历,积累了丰富的设计经验。1997年创立了梁志天建筑师有限公司及梁志天设计有限公司。

作者: Nicole Swengley 编译:FT中文网实习生 陈亦珈
早上8点左右,我就起床到家里的健身房锻炼,大多就是在跑步机上跑一下,然后去吃早餐。我热爱运动,尤其是各类水上运动,最近我买了一艘Monte Carlo游艇,名叫Bella Vita,长为65英尺(约19.812米)。早晨,船长带我们去赤柱市场逛了一圈,我们在码头下船,步行前往小店Si Yik,这是一家卖奶茶、法式土司的店铺,他家的面条也十分美味。之后,我们乘游艇去另一边的海岛,也就是我最喜欢的南丫岛。在集市上买了些曲奇后,我们徒步翻越丘陵,回到停靠游艇的码头。有时,我们会在海湾里游泳,然后去天虹海鲜酒家吃午餐,那里的虾料理非常新鲜,食材都是就地捕捞、烹饪的。有时,我们也会在山顶停留,尝一尝建兴亚婆豆腐花,这位老婆婆已经在这儿做了50年了,美味的豆腐花配上甜甜的糖浆,让人回味无穷。回到家的时候,通常是下午4点,然后我会带着猎犬出门散步。
晚上,我会带母亲出去吃饭,平时工作忙也难得有这样的机会。通常我们有两种选择,要么去湾仔万丽酒店中的满福楼吃中餐,这是一家米其林星级餐厅,要么就去我自己的小餐馆。我是1957 & Co的合伙人之一,目前有泰式、日式、意式三种餐厅,都在铜锣湾的同一幢建筑内。我向来对食物充满激情,很想抽出些时间好好学学怎么做菜。
周日我也8点起床,开车到九龙湾的办公室,花几个小时时间为接下来一周的工作做准备。然后我驱车前往新界区,在上水的广成冰室里和Anita吃一顿简餐,我们最爱这里的红豆冰和鸡蛋三明治。有时我们也会去西贡的Hebe One O One西餐厅,那里的海鲜意大利面很不错。
(本文根据FT旗下奢侈品杂志《如何消费》(How To Spend It)2013年3月刊文章 “Steve Leung’s Hong Kong”编译。更多文章,请登陆 
Steve Leung’s Hong Kong
The multi-award-winning architect and designer’s projects range from high-rise residences, restaurants and hotel interiors to bathrooms, furniture and wallpaper 
“Saturday is the only day I can enjoy a lazy breakfast at home. Living on the southern part of Hong Kong island means I have wonderful sea views, so I sit on my terrace with a pot of English breakfast tea and some toast and read the local Chinese newspaper, Sing Tao. My home is in a very private spot near a beautiful beach, where I live with my wife, Anita, our children, Stefanie, 25, and Nicholas, 20, my mother, May, and BJ, our beagle.
I get up around 8am and exercise in my home gym – usually a run on the treadmill – before breakfast. I’m a very sporty person and love all kinds of watersports. I recently bought a 65ft Monte Carlo motor yacht named Bella Vita, and the skipper takes us round to Stanley Market in the morning. We get off at the pier and go to Si Yik – a small local store selling milk tea, French toast and excellent noodles – then motor to one of the outlying islands. My favourite is Lamma, where I visit the street market to buy cookies, then walk over the hill to the other side to rejoin the yacht. Sometimes we go for a swim in one of the bays then have lunch at Rainbow Seafood Restaurant, which serves very fresh shrimp, caught and cooked on the spot. Or we might stop off on top of the hill at Kin Hing Tofu Dessert, a store selling delicious bean curd in sweet syrup that has been made by the same lady for 50 years. We’ll get home around 4pm, when I’ll take the dog for a walk.
I also really enjoy driving my sports cars at the weekend. My latest toy is an Aston Martin Virage, and I also have a Ferrari F430, a Porsche Panamera and a Hummer H3. I’m fascinated by their design – both the interior and exterior details. I’ll drive out to the countryside at Tai Tam or Shek O, where I’ll take a stroll, or, if I’ve brought my bike with me on the Hummer, do some cycling.
In the evening I take my mother out for dinner, as I never get a chance in the week. We either eat Chinese food at the Michelin-starred Dynasty in the Renaissance hotel in Wanchai, or go to one of my own eateries. I’m a partner in 1957 & Co, which owns three restaurants – Thai, Japanese and Italian – all in the same building in Causeway Bay. I’ve always been interested in food and I’d like to spend some time learning how to cook seriously.
On Sunday I get up at 8am and drive to the office in Kowloon Bay, where I’ll spend a couple of hours preparing for the week ahead. Then I’ll drive out to the New Territories for a simple lunch with Anita at Guong Shing Ice Cafe in Sheung Shui, where we have its signature red-bean ice and an egg sandwich, or Hebe One O One in Sai Kung for mussels and pasta.
After lunch we often go to the shopping malls on Hong Kong island – IFC and Pacific Place. Men don’t usually enjoy shopping, but I’m one of the exceptions. I love looking at the interior design – the furniture, lighting, graphics and window displays. For me, the actual products come last. I’m also interested in contemporary Chinese and French art and work by Korean and Japanese artists, so I might go to Kwai Fung Hin Art Gallery to see what’s new. Or if there’s an art fair on we’ll take a look, even if I don’t buy anything. But when I do it’s always something I really love, rather than an investment.
Sometimes we have friends round for dinner at home on Sunday evening. Maybe a barbecue on the terrace, which we can do nine months of the year thanks to the weather. Life is short and I think it’s important to enjoy every aspect of your lifestyle. That also includes work, so I’ll be in bed before midnight to make the most of the coming week.”
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