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A Legendary Story of two Korea War’s Veterans

(2021-03-26 06:23:46) 下一个


A Legendary Story of two Korea War's Veterans

In a middle summer, two young people married in a beautiful oceanside city in the United States of America. This marriage brought a legendary story about their grandfathers, one lives in the US and the other one in China. Although they live in different countries and the two countries have the different social systems, the two elderly people have similar experiences. They are two veterans who had served in the US military and the Chinese military, respectively. They joined in the Korea War from the 1950s to 1953s. After the war, they all turned their career in the geological field. They might never expect that their grandchildren could marry in the US after 70 years. Just because of this marriage made two opponents at the war become one family. The details of the story are given in the following paragraphs.

Bride and Her Grandfather

The bride was born and raised in the US. Her ancestors immigrated to the United States from Europe. The girl was higher educated. With her parents' support, she had gone from primary school through undergraduate school to graduate school. After graduating from a law school, she started her career. Now, she is a teacher.

The bride's grandfather served in the US military in 1950. In that time, the Korean north-south war had broken. The American government sent the troops to the battlefield of Korea to support South Korea. He was sent there too and worked on the military training program.

After the war, he retired, enrolled in a university for advanced education, and earned a degree, majoring in geological science and technology. Since then, his life has turned into a new page. As a geologist, he became a big traveler moving from one state to another one to explore petroleum. And eventually, his company located in a seaside city. So far, he has worked in the geological field for six decades so that he accumulated plenty of experience.

Last year at the age of 88 years, he got a CV-19 virus and had a fever for 11 days. Fortunately, he recovered very well. The doctor persuaded him not to work anymore, otherwise his life would be in danger. Anyway, he loves his job and still hopes to go back to work after the pandemic. It is incredible, a strong and optimistic man. 

Groom and His Grandfather

The bridegroom is a new immigrant. At the age of 13, he moved to the United States with his parents from China. In this greatest country, he completed primary education, undergraduate education, and graduate education. Now, he is accepting professional training. 

The groom's grandfather served in the Chinese military in 1950. In that time, the Korean north-south war had broken. The slogan of the Chinese government was, “Aid North Korea to protect Motherland." As a soldier, he was sent to the battlefield of North Korea and worked in the Department of Logistics Services, transporting weapons and foods & clothing to the front line.

After the war, he retired from the military. And the government provided him two options for his future career, “Choose to study in a university or to work in a company?" He chose to work in a geological company, which was run by the government and provided particularly good benefits to workers. He worked in the group of the logistics services to supply equipment and construction materials to drill platforms. He had moved from north China to south China with the company. He was diligent and hardworking, and dedicated to the company for three decades until he retired at age 50. The government settled him in a beautiful riverside city in his later years.

Several years ago, he fell ill and was hospitalized. The government gave him a very generous treatment in honor of him, a Korean War's veteran. He got advanced nursing care without paying any expenses. The government even paid an amount of money to his family for taking care of him. This old veteran spent his last time surrounded by his family and friends. When he heard his grandson married to a beautiful American girl in the US, he was happy and excited. After six months, he left this world peacefully at the age of 86.

Neither one of grandfathers would have expected such a legendary coincidence in the changes of history. 70 years ago, they were opponents at the war and fought for their individual country. After 70 years, they even become a family due to their grandchildren's marriage. The best wishes to the couple for a happy life.  Also, the best wishes to the bride's grandfather for good health in life and to the groom's grandfather for rest in peace.

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