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Things Can Change Overnight 海外生活,当你觉得无助的时候,怎么办?

(2018-09-14 14:01:38) 下一个


Things Can Change Overnight

Once upon a time, Jennifer’s life changed overnight: lost what she had (health and job), relocated to an new place, and left her friends far away. It seemed that world forgot her. She knew nobody and nobody paid attention to her. She got what she didn’t want (depression, anxiety, disappointment, burden and sorrow). 

Healing started to attending a church near by her house. There, a song encouraged her so much, “Lay down your burdens. Lay down your hurt. Lay down your shame. Earth has no sorrow that heaven can’t cure. Come as you are….”

Originally, she only joined worship to listen paster’s sermons, but no attending any life groups. Surrounded by friendly people, but there was no any communication with them. One  church member invited her to be life group one thousand times. However, she always hizetated. It is hard to explain why? Maybe her husband did not want to go there. Until one day, the member invited her on the 1001st times, eventually, she went that group to take a look what they were doing.

In addition to learn Bible, there are various types of activities there: dining together, playing games, field trips, gulf fishing, etc. They chat and send greetings each other, and especially give aids to members who need. Teacher taught her, “Come to me, all you who are troubled and weighted down with care, and he will give you rest.”    (馬太福音 11:28 : 凡 勞 苦 擔 重 擔 的 人 、 可 以 到 我 這 裡 來 、 我 就 使 你 們 得 安息 。)

From then on, Jennifer and even her husband started the life group, because they realized that kindness others can make themselves be peaceful in hearts. Teacher sent them a beautiful greeting card, which was hand-made and very precise one. Jennifer set it on her desk table. Looking at the card let her feel she is cared for by people and surrounded by friends. She also helps people who are needed as possible as she can.

Tell Someone You Love and You Care

One day, teacher sent an message to them to suggest to leave a message or call Rosa, who was diagnosed  Cancer. Jennifer just joined the group and did not knew Rosa yet. Her feeling told her to tell Rosa that she was concerned with her and would like to help her go through tough time. Jennifer sent an email to all group members: “Hello Rosa, my husband and I are two new members in this Life Group. We just came back from California and got to know your suffering. We pray for your recovery and strength from the Lord for healing.”

“Actually, every day, everybody is challenging something. Now, you are  experiencing medical problem. God has helped you being survived a lot of difficulties during your life journey. This time, God will absolutely do a credible miracle for you in the treatment. Eventually, restoration will come back for you. ”

“Remember, ‘No storm lasts forever. Hold on. Be brave. Have a faith. Every storm is temporary and  You are never alone.’ From Quotes Gate. We wish you become better soon.” 

Gradually, Jennifer found several members were suffering from severe physical problems in the group. She wrote on prayer sheet not only to encourage them to be faithful, but also to encourage those who were in much need of healing. Teacher told her the prayer was on all their hearts. 

Her prayer was, “Constantly praying for healing for Rosa, James and Benjamin. Any kind of sickness and pain needs time to heal, even with God’s help. At their weakest moment, the greatest support we can give them is faithful prayer, our concern and our attention.” 

Her behavior was unexpected to get feedback. Once a time, both her husband and she missed church due to some issues. Living in that big city, they already used to nobody caring for them. But from then on, things were changed. 

One member sent her an email in group, “We missed you guys today in church and life group. Hope you guys are doing well. Let me know if you need anything or if I can help in any way.” 

Jennifer replied him in group, “Sorry about missing last day’s class. Yesterday morning, when I woke up, I felt headache and extreme fatigue. I  had to lay on the bed for taking a rest.  Now, I feel better. My husband was busy with his work. Even last Friday night 9:00pm, he was still in the Lab and did test. Thanks for your concern. We both missed you guys too.”

Living in overseas, sometimes, you may feel alone without surrounded by relatives. You may expect someone to simplify be there. Let you feel you are cared for. This is the key of solution: joining an associate society and doing good things to others. As you do good thing to others, the good things will come to you. Appreciate what you have and thanks for any givens from others.  

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