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德州运非移是宣?只要自愿。德州非法移民到DC。佩洛西亲吻拜登不是“近距离” 4/7/2022

(2022-04-07 18:11:19) 下一个


Publicity stunt or? voluntarily? Texas Gov. Abbott bus migrants to DC. Pelosi kissing Biden not "close contact" 4/7/2022

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2022 年 4 月 7 日,白宫新闻秘书 Jen Psaki 驳回了德克萨斯州州长 Greg Abbott 最近宣布的计划,将其州内的非法移民送上公共汽车并将他们送到华盛顿特区的国会大厦“我不知道普萨基在白宫新闻室告诉福克斯新闻的彼得·杜西(Peter Doocy),州长在什么权力下会这样做。我认为这很明显是一个宣传噱头。 “我知道德克萨斯州或任何州的州长都没有法律权力强迫任何人上公共汽车。”

Psaki 继续说道,“他自己的办公室承认,移民需要自愿被运送,他不能强迫他们这样做,因为我们国家的移民法的执行再次取决于联邦政府而不是州。”

新闻秘书 Jen Psaki 在她的每日简报中被问及在雅培宣布该举措以响应计划于下个月取消第 42 条公共卫生当局后,政府为寻找移民住所所做的准备工作。

雅培周三表示,由于边境检查站难以控制试图进入美国的人流,以及拜登政府取消“头衔”的举措,被释放到他所在州的非法移民将被运送到华盛顿特区美国国会大厦的台阶上42 驱逐规定。共和党州长在新闻发布会上说,该州将在华盛顿提供包车接送移民——许多人被释放到德克萨斯州的小社区,官员们称这些社区不堪重负。


“当有议长亲吻他的视频时,你们怎么能说拜登总统与议长佩洛西没有密切接触?”福克斯新闻的彼得·杜西问普萨基。 “他们对它的定义是在规定的时间内、六英尺内进行 15 分钟的接触,”Psaki 回应道。它不符合那个标准。”


On 4/7/2022, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki dismissed Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s recently announced plan to put illegal immigrants in his state onto a bus and send them to the Capitol Building in Washington, D.C. “I’m not aware of what authority the governor would be doing that under?.? I think it’s pretty clear this is a publicity stunt?,” Psaki told Fox News’ Peter Doocy in the White House press room. "I know that the governor of Texas, or any state, does not have the legal authority to compel anyone to get on a bus."

Psaki continued, "His own office admits that a migrant would need to voluntarily be transported and he can’t compel them to because, again, enforcement of our country’s immigration laws lies with the federal government and not a state."

Press secretary Jen Psaki was asked during her daily briefing about what preparations the administration has made to find migrants places to stay after Abbott ?announced the initiative in response to the planned removal of the Title 42 public health authority next month. 

Abbott said Wednesday that illegal immigrants released into his state will be shipped to the steps of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C., as border checkpoints struggle to manage the flow of people attempting to enter the United States and the Biden administration's move to eliminate the Title 42 expulsion provision. The state will provide charter buses to drop off migrants – many released into small Texas communities that officials say are overwhelmed – in Washington, the Republican governor said in a news conference.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki claimed that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi kissing President Biden on the cheek and holding his hand did not meet the White House’s definition of "close contact."

"How can you guys say that President Biden was not a close contact with speaker Pelosi when there's video of the speaker kissing him?" Fox News’ Peter Doocy asked Psaki. "Their definition of it is 15 minutes of contact within a set period of time, within six feet," Psaki responded. It did not meet that bar."

Publicity stunt or? voluntarily? Texas Gov. Abbott bus migrants to DC. Pelosi kissing Biden is not "close contact".

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