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(2016-07-15 01:44:22) 下一个

Youve got a 13-hour day ahead of you. Gary Medel Jersey . How much sleep do you get before a marathon broadcast like this? Sleep? What is this thing you speak of? [eyes slightly bugged out and twitching] In all honesty, Im a disciple of the James Duthie school of sleeping, which is to say... keep working until the red light goes off. I catch up on sleep when I can; naps are great... and I find my second year university macroeconomics textbook still works as a pretty effective tranquilizer. Whats the longest youve ever been on the air in one stretch? That would definitely be during my breaking news days on CP24 in Toronto. There was a massive rainstorm in Toronto on July 8, 2013. I still remember the date for some reason. I hit the anchor desk at noon that day. The storm started rather unexpectedly around 7 p.m. and wreaked havoc all night. I was on the air from 7 p.m. to 4 a.m. without a break, plus I had anchored three hours the previous afternoon. It felt like the storm lasted about two weeks. What do you eat before a broadcast like this? Do you carb up? If Im paired with an attractive female co-host, I generally try to avoid Taco Bell. For regular days, nothing that makes me too sleepy. Dan OToole turned me on to energy drinks before going on air, which can really make the broadcast go either way. For marathon days like March Madness, Ill attempt to carb up on day one for longevity and see how that goes. If it fails, Im resorting to the OToole method – apologies in advance. Do you have any special items you like to wear on air? Any lucky socks perhaps? Im a big fan of brightly coloured socks, but there isnt a single go-to pair. Ive been using the same man bag since I started my first on-air job in September 2007. With that, Im pretty superstitious. Ive been fortunate with the opportunities Ive been afforded, so I dont want to switch up the bag, even if it is getting a bit ratty. Ever worn jeans and sneakers behind the desk? Not at TSN – yet. Im still kinda new, Im not at the "Cory Woron" level of comfort just yet. I have actually worn shorts and flip flops behind the news desk at my last job. I used to walk to work in the summer, and if I didnt wear shorts, Id be a sweaty mess by the time Id get there. It was three parts survival, one part comfort. Whats the single most significant piece of info youve picked up from your March Madness research? That spending hours crunching the numbers doesnt really put your bracket too far ahead of the one that your neighbours dog "filled out." Which team is primed for a Cinderella run? Id like to see Stephen F. Austin make a run. Theyre a nice story. Their coach Brad Underwood paid his dues for 27 years looking for a Division 1 head coaching opportunity. It finally came this year, and hes got his team in the show. Theyre a loose bunch. No go-to scorer. They distribute the ball well, and have five players who can score in the low double digits. That, to me, seems like a team primed for an upset. Theyre #12 and taking on #5 VCU. 12 over 5 is the classic upset. I also wouldnt be surprised to see play-in winner NC State take down Saint Louis in the round of 64. And Im quietly cheering for New Mexico State; theyve got four Canadians on the roster, the most in the tourney. Who do you have in the Final Four? They seem to be changing by the hour. Right now? Louisville, Florida, Arizona, Michigan State. And a championship pick? Florida. Love that there are four seniors in the starting lineup – theyve dealt with this pressure before. Love that theyve built a program and arent a one-and-done school. Love that they dont have a superstar for other teams to key on and that they play a crawl-up-your-shirt defense. And it never hurts having the experience of Billy Donovan at the helm. Jorge Valdivia Jersey . Plekanec scored his 19th and 20th goals of the season to help lead the Canadiens to a 5-4 road victory over the Detroit Red Wings on Thursday. The Canadiens take on the Panthers on Saturday. Miiko Albornoz Chile Jersey . - The Oakland Raiders have promoted running back George Atkinson III from the practice squad and placed cornerback Carlos Rogers on season-ending injured reserve.Got a question on rule clarification, comments on rule enforcements or some memorable NHL stories? Kerry wants to answer your emails at cmonref@tsn.ca. Hi Kerry, "Goalie interference, no goal" http://video.nhl.com/videocenter/console?id=2013020977-X-h Devils defenceman bumps/trips Flyer towards the net, both touch goalie. "Good goal" http://video.nhl.com/videocenter/console?id=2013020984-X-h (the Burns goal) The goalie was being held on the ice by an attacking player - isnt that textbook goaltender interference? Brian Hi Kerry, I have a question about the Sharks 2nd goal tonite. The ref blew his whistle and waived off the goal, seemingly indicating there was a reason why it wasnt a goal. If he only believed the puck had not entered the net, wouldnt the play go on as the puck was still live? Seems to me that was a give-back for the blown call minutes earlier where San Jose was robbed of a goal by the refs quick whistle. Love to hear your perspective.  ThanksDavid Brian and David: Thank you very much for submitting your questions as to why contact with the goalkeeper in Philadelphia resulted in a crucial disallowed goal, yet in San Jose the Sharks second goal was allowed to stand. This is not an example of inconsistency, as some might suggest, but the referees correct decision on both plays is supported in the language and interpretation found in Rule 69. With the Flyers net empty for an extra attacker, the puck was kicked out of a high scrum of players and thrown across ice by Kimmo Timonen to Jacub Voracek. Scott Hartnell broke for the net with Anton Volchenchov in close pursuit from behind. There was some minor contact exerted by Volchenkov on Hartnell as the Flyer extended to redirect Voraceks pass at Martin Brodeur from outside the crease. Brodeur made the initial save but offered up a rebound as Volchenkov lost his balance and fell to the ice with a slide toward the goal. There was no push, shove or check delivered by Volchenkov on Hartnell and their contact was incidental in nature. Scott Hartnell remained on his skates in a path that took him into the goal crease. Hartnell repositioned his body and began to throw snow in a stopping motion. It appears at this point that Scotts skate contacted the puck and directed it back into Brodeurs stacked pads. Scott Hartnells forward momentum then took him deep into the goal crease. Hartnell initiated a hip bump at the point of contact with Martin Brodeur that knocked both the goalie and the puck into the net. Referee Tom Kowal, with very good position to see the contact, utilized Rule 69.6 to immediately wave off the potential goal. (69.6: In the event that a goalkeeper has been pushed into the net together with the puck after making a stop, the goal will be disallowed.) Kowal correctly ruled that the contact by Hartnell was "incidental" as opposed to deliberate thereby resulting in no goal and no penalty on the play. This is not a reviewable play. The deciision made by the Toronto Situation Room to initiate a review and the subsequent announcement the referee was forced to make did not bring clarity or support the decision made on the ice by referee Kowal. Jean Beausejour Chile Jersey. The delay in getting the game resumed quickly, in addition to the announcement, "Following video review its confirmed its not a good hockey goal. Its no goal" further infuriated Flyers fans in the building for no useful purpose since video review could not overturn the referees decision.  Bottom line is that in the judgment of the referee, Martin Brodeur and the puck were knocked into the net through incidental contact exerted by Scott Hartnell. The call made on the ice by the referee was both correct and courageous - end of story! In San Jose, Joe Thornton was positioned to the side and above the goal crease when Tim Gleason of the Leafs checked Thornton from behind with solid contact. The hit caused Thornton to lurch forward into Dion Phaneuf positioned at the top, middle of the crease. Phaneuf pushed back on Thornton, causing Jumbo Joe to enter the blue paint. Thornton was conscious of avoiding contact with Leafs goalkeeper James Reimer, as demonstrated by his effort to straddle Reimer with a wide stance. Thorntons forward momentum from the Phaneuf push, combined with Joes wide stance, caused his upper body to veer forward with a loss of balance. In an effort to regain his balance, Joe had no alternative but to place his hands on the back of James Reimer. Thornton quickly pushed himself up and off Reimer and then immediately exited the goal crease prior to the shot entering the net. The referees decision is supported by Rule 69.1; (If an attacking player has been pushed, shoved or fouled by a defending player so as to cause him to come into contact with the goalkeeper, such contact will not be deemed contact initiated by the attacking player for purposes of this rule, provided the attacking player has made a reasonable effort to avoid such contact.) Joe Thornton made more than a reasonable attempt to avoid James Reimer after being body checked by two Leaf players at the edge of the goal crease. The speed with which Thornton exited the crease is also of significance. Had he delayed his departure and remained in contact with the goalkeeper a different decision by the referee would most likely have been rendered.  The referee waved the goal off because he thought the puck hit the crossbar on the shot by Brent Burns. Video review subsequently confirmed that the puck did enter the net on the shot. The refs initial decision on this play had nothing to do with the previously disallowed goal when he ruled the puck was covered and play dead prior to Scott Hannan jamming the puck from under James Reimer. In Philadelphia and San Jose, two distinctly different plays involved contact with the goalkeeper and resulted in the correct decision being rendered by both refs based on two separate rule applications contained in Rule 69. Cheap Jerseys Wholesale Jerseys Wholesale Jerseys Cheap Jerseys Cheap NFL Jerseys Cheap Jerseys China Wholesale Jerseys ' ' '

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