

一起学俚语吧1 -ZT(谢谢Enlearner)

(2014-07-17 19:19:26) 下一个

Doctor: Sorry you waited so long, Paul; I’ve been tied up all afternoon.What seems to be the problem this time?

Paul: Doc,my toe’s killing me. I think it’s broken.

Doctor: Hmm. . . Let’s have a look.Oh, yeah, that’s a beauty. You really did a number on that toe. How’d it happen?

Paul: I was helping my brother move. I dropped a desk on my foot.

Doctor: Well, that’s a sure fire way to break some bones. Paul, didn’t I see you last year for some sprained fingers?

Paul: Yeah . . . I was trying to fix the toilet and got my hand stuck. I yanked it out, and hurt myself. I’m still trying to live that one down.

Doctor: Well, Mr. Fix-it, you’ve really outdone yourself this time. You won’t be walking with this foot for eight weeks.

Paul: That’s impossible! I have a camping trip scheduled for six weeks from now. Can’t it be healed
by then?

Doctor: That’s a tall order, Paul . . . But I suppose it’s not out of the question. With a lot of rest now .
. . and intensive physical therapy, you just may be back in the saddle again in six weeks. But the therapy requires a lot of work, and time . . . and specifically, following the doctor’s orders . . . Can you handle that?

Paul: Piece of cake!

Doctor: But listen, even if you are walking by then, you’ve got to take it easy during the trip. No climbing trees or jumping across streams or anything. You really need to baby this leg for a while!

Paul: Sure thing.

Doctor: Well, Paul . . . let’s get you bandaged up. We’ll have you hobbling out of here in no time. Now . . . I want you to keep an eye on the swelling in the rest of the leg and foot. And get in touch with Dr. Phillips . . . She’s the physical therapist.

Paul: Okay,Doc. Should I drop by here another day?

Doctor: Yes.We’re going to want to follow up on this in about two weeks.

Paul: I’ll schedule an appointment with the receptionist.

Thanks. Bye,Doc.

Doctor: You’re welcome. And Paul, take it easy, would you?

Paul: Yes, I will. I promise.

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