美意留学 AmerJoy Group

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父母陪读签证的问题 (美国)

(2014-06-10 10:43:33) 下一个
        如果父母希望陪读,但是没有绿卡或其他长期签证可以在美国长期居住(如 L, H, J, F等签证),可用B2身份陪读,6个月到期之后或者出境再进来又6个月,或者家人轮流,或者在美国境内申请延期,我们可以帮您联系学校出具在读证明,以陪读理由做B2申请或要求延期。下边英文是引美国国务院2012年2月给美国驻各国大使馆发出的指导文件, 在26页上详细的写出了B2签证范围开始包括陪同持F-1签证的年幼学生的家长的内容, B2不只是旅游和商务而已。 长远角度考虑,如果在读一年孩子和家长对美国都比较适应喜欢,以我们以往所办的经验,学生家长都会开始转换其他长期签证身份或申请绿卡等等(美国移民政策时常变化,最新详情请咨询移民律师)。

  • On February 9, 2012, the U.S. State Department issued guidelines for its officers stationed at U.S. Embassies and Consulates abroad: http://www.state.gov/documents/organization/87206.pdf . On page 26, it says:
    The B-2 classification is appropriate for aliens who are members of the household of another alien in long-term nonimmigrant status, but who are not eligible for derivative status under that alien's visa classification. This is also an appropriate classification for aliens who are members of the household of a U.S. citizen who normally lives and works overseas, but is returning to the United States for a temporary time period. Such aliens include, but are not limited to the following...accompanying parent(s) of minor F-1 child-student.


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