
金书龙 (热门博主)
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沁园春·长沙 (图)

(2006-01-16 08:50:50) 下一个

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jianglang 回复 悄悄话 mamaoyeidong毛贼东,千古人渣
stillthere 回复 悄悄话
Fucking him has no taste;-0
stillthere 回复 悄悄话
I enjoyed reading this elegant, powerful caligraphy again, this time from Victoria, BC.

Wondering when it would be next time we have another person in China that will have the capacity and talent to write with such a beautiful handwriting, even though it was said that Mao was actually mimicing the style of Yue Fei... ...

Each character of this piece is a really beautiful eye candy to enjoy!

And you are never tired to read it as you find something new eveytime you come back, for the past 40 years... ... at least to me. You simply see the spirits and energy and Qi of Heaven between the characters.

I don' t care about how others are commenting about Mao; to me a beauty is a beauty is a beauty! An art piece is an art piece is an art piece.
stillthere 回复 悄悄话
Very nice!

Thank you for taking time doing this for the test of us.