

田园时光 :驱寒暖身 --姜母鸭火锅

(2015-12-16 14:10:10) 下一个


鸭子 半只约850克(Duck (half) about 850 g)
麻油1汤匙(1 tbsp sesame oil)
生姜50克(Ginger 50g)
八角 3克(Star anise 3 g)
桂皮3-5克(Cinnamon stick 3-5 g)
香叶3片(3 bay leaves)
拍破的草果1个(1 Crushed Tsaoko)
干辣椒2个(2 dried chillies)
枸杞 1汤匙(1 tbsp Chinese wolfberry)
糖1汤匙(1 tbsp sugar)
酱油3汤匙(3 tbsp soy sauce)
老抽 1茶匙(1 tsp dark soy sauce)
米酒 250毫升(Rice wine 250 ml)
干腐竹 50克(Dried bean thread 50 g)
韩国粉丝 100克(Sweet potato starch noodles 100 g)
藕 200克 (Lotus roots 200 g )
香菜 30克 (Coriander 30 g)





1、首先把半只鸭子切块。之后放入冷水锅里,当水烧开时,就把鸭肉捞出来,用清水冲洗干净, 沥干。


2、炒锅烧热,放1汤匙麻油,放入50克姜片煎到金黄色 姜片变干。




4、倒入3汤匙酱油煮再煮一小会,加入米酒250毫升,烧开后加入屏幕显示调味料(八角 3克桂皮3-5克香叶3片拍破的草果1个干辣椒2个糖1汤匙老抽 1茶匙)。再倒入500毫升滚水。


5、然后转到砂锅里,烧开后转小火煮50分钟。出锅前,再放1汤匙 枸杞 




7、装好卡式炉,先把鸭汤倒入汤锅内,放入火锅配料 ,再把鸭肉放在上面。边煮边吃。。。




Ginger duck stew in a classic dish originated from Southern China in the Taiwan, Fujian area. It is believed that drinking this stew in the winter will keep you warm and healthy


First cut up half of a duck and place into a pot of cold water, once the water has come to a boil, strain out the meat pieces and wash clean


Heat a pan and add in 1 tablespoon of sesame oil and add in 50grams of ginger slices and pan fry until it turns golden and dry


Add in the duck meat and panfry on medium heat until the duck meat is seeping oil and turn darker in colour, it should take about 15 minutes


Add in 3 tablespoons of soy sauce and let it simmer for a little bit then add in 250ml of rice wine, after it boils again add in the seasonings shown on the screen (Star anise 3 gCinnamon stick 3-5 g3 bay leaves

1 Crushed Tsaoko2 dried chillies1 tbsp sugar1 tsp dark soy sauce)and pour in 500ml of boiled water


Transfer everything into a casserole pot and let it come to a boil then turn the heat down to low and cook for 50 minutes, add in 1 tablespoon of chinese goji berry before serving


Now the duck stew is finished we will prepare the hot pot ingredients


Set up the electric gas stove and pour the duck stew into the pot add in the hotpot ingredients with the duck meat, enjoy this delicious hot pot while it's simmering away. 



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