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(2016-04-29 22:17:58) 下一个




Buying a home can be a very intimidating process, especially if you've never done it before.

So the first thing you should do before you start the home buying process is to figure out whether owning a home is right for you. It may or may not be and this decision depends on you and what your circumstances are. Take into account that if you do buy a home, there are extra responsibilities and costs that go along with owning a home-such as lawn care, home maintenance and repairs, etc.


第 1 步 ︰ 如果你需要贷款,首先查看信用卡的分数,以判断是否能够获得抵押贷款或任何形式的贷款。根据法律,你可以每年收到一个免费的信用报告的副本,网站www.Annualcreditreport.com可以告诉你。信用卡的分数范围从大约 300 至 850; 一般来说,分数越高,你就越能申请到较好的贷款。

Step 1: Check Your Credit Report & Score

Before getting a mortgage or any kind of loan, you should always check your credit. According to the law, you're allowed to receive one free copy of your credit report per year. You can do this by visiting Scores range from approximately 300 to 850; generally, the higher your score, the better loan you'll qualify for. Don't forget to check your report for errors. If there are any, dispute them. It may help your credit score

第 2 步 ︰ 决定买什么价位的房子

决定你可以负担得起什么价位的房子,有些在线工具可以帮助计算。在线抵押贷款计算器 (online mortgage calculators),可以计算这些费用。别忘了计算首付,交接过户成本、 费用 (如律师、 评估、 检验等费用) 装修或家具的成本因素。首付越高,你的利息付的就越少。经验丰富的房屋贷款专家可以帮助您建立贷款方案,计算过户费用和其他费用。

Step 2: Figure out How Much You Can Afford

You can calculate how much you can afford by starting online. There are several online mortgage calculators that will help you calculate an affordable monthly mortgage payment. Don't forget to factor in money you'll need for a down payment, closing costs, fees (such as fees for an attorney, appraisal, inspection, etc.) and the costs of remodeling or furniture. Remember that you don't always have to put down 20 percent as your parents once did. There are loans available with little to no down payment. An experienced home loan expert can help you understand all your loan options, closing costs and other fees.

第 3 步 ︰ 找到比较合适的按揭贷款和房地产经纪人,最好货比三家。谈至少三个或四个按揭贷款,多问些问题,并确保他们有让你满意的答案。

一旦你找到帮你抵押贷款的公司,你至少要先做事先批准(pre-approval)。Pre -Qualifications仅是贷款公司根据你告诉的信息所做的评估,并不能保证一定会贷给你一笔贷款,Pre-Approval 会提供比较精确的贷款数字, 当然房贷公司会要你提供更加详细的家庭收入和支出信息。有了Pre-Approval,说明你有财力购房,你随时可以买房子了, 并且卖家很想卖给你。

Step 3: Find the Right Lender and Real Estate Agent

To find the right mortgage lender, It's best to shop around. Get recommendations from your friends and family and check with the Better Business Bureau. Talk to at least three or four mortgage lenders. Ask lots of questions and make sure they have answers that satisfy you. Make sure to find someone that you are comfortable with and who makes you feel at ease.

Once you have the right mortgage lender, make sure you at least get a pre-approval. Pre-qualifications are only a guess based on what you tell the lender and are no guarantee, whereas a Pre-approval will give you a better idea of how big a loan you qualify for. The lender will actually pull your credit and get more information about you. However, you could even take it one step further by getting an actual approval before you start home shopping. That way, when you're ready to make an offer, it will make the sale go much quicker. Besides, your offer will look more appealing than other buyers since your financing is guaranteed.

第 4 步 ︰ 查找合适的房子



Step 4: Look for the Right Home

Make a list of the things you'll need to have in the house. Ask yourself how many bedrooms and bathrooms you'll need and get an idea of how much space you desire. How big do you want the kitchen to be? Do you need lots of closets and cabinet space? Do you need a big yard for your kids and/or pets to play in?

Once you've made a list of your must-have's, don't forget to think about the kind of neighborhood you want, types of schools in the area, the length of your commute to and from work, and the convenience of local shopping. Take into account your safety concerns as well as how good the rate of home appreciation is in the area.

第 5 步 ︰ 去购买房子

如果你想要你喜欢的房子, 就需要下单去购买。大多数卖家的标价有些高,可以从低于要价的5%开始吧,你可以让你的房产经纪找出周围房子的销售行情,以此决定你要出多少价。你出价后,以为可以稳稳的到手,只等住新房了,但是往往不是这样,卖家也许会给你提出一个价格,让你决定是否接受。你必须来回应这个事情,大家也许会在某个中间的价上达成协议。一旦你决定了接受的价格,你就要交付订金,向卖家证明你有足够的购买能力, 这个订金一般由第三方保管。

买方在达成协议以后一定尽快做房屋检查,房屋检验可以确保房屋的结构可靠, 及时发现大的缺陷, 不管是新房还是旧房,这个都非常重要。买方如果发现房子有缺陷,根据协议的条款,可以撤销协议,并不损失订金。

Step 5: Make an Offer on the Home

Now that you've found the home you want, you have to make an offer. Most sellers price their homes a bit high, expecting that there will be some haggling involved. A decent place to start is about five percent below the asking price. You can also get a list from your real estate agent to find out how much comparable homes have sold for. Once you've made your offer, don't think it's final. The seller may make a counter-offer to which you can also counter-offer. But you don't want to go back and forth too much. Somewhere, you have to meet in the middle. Once you've agreed on a price, you'll make an earnest money deposit, which is money that goes in escrow to give the seller a sign of good faith.

第 6 步 ︰ 选择合适的房屋贷款

市场上有许多不同类型的按揭计划,首次置业者,应该至少知道下属三种基本的计划:可调利率贷款、 固定利率贷款和只付利息贷款。

Adjustable可调利率抵押贷款 (ARMs) 一般在最初的几年,通常一至七年的利率是固定的,这几年以后,利率可以每年向上或向下调整,这取决于市场的走向。屋主如果不想长期持有这个房屋,又想寻找一个较低的利率和付款,可以选择这个计划。 当然也可以重新选择贷款计划。

Fixed 利率抵押贷款计划是更加传统的房贷计划,通常在 15 年或 30 年,利率是固定的,因此每月付款也是固定的,有时贷款期限长达20 或 25 年,利率都是不变的。





Step 6: Get the Right Mortgage for Your Situation

There are many different types of mortgage programs out there, but as a first-time home buyer, you should be aware of the three basics: adjustable rate, fixed rate and interest-only.

Adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) are short-term mortgages that offer an interest rate that is fixed for short period of time, usually between one to seven years. After that, the interest rate can adjust every year up or down, depending on the market. These are good for people who don't plan on living in their home very long and/or are looking for a lower interest rate and payment.

Fixed-rate mortgages are more traditional and offer a fixed interest rate (and thus a fixed monthly payment) for a longer period of time, usually 15 or 30 years, though they're available in 20 or 25 year terms. These are good for people who like a predictable payment and plan on living in their home for a long time.

Both fixed and adjustable rate mortgages can have an interest-only payment. What this means is that for a certain amount of time during the loan term, you're allowed to pay only enough to cover the interest portion of your payment. You can still pay principal when you wish, but don't have to if your budget is tight. There is a myth that with interest-only mortgages, you don't build equity. This is not necessarily true, since you can build equity through home appreciation. The benefit to interest-only mortgages is that you increase your cash flow by not paying principal.

Remember to ask your mortgage lender or mortgage banker lots of questions about which mortgage is right for you and your situation.

第 7 步: 过户交接房屋


请准备好过户交接的费用,过户费可能包括 (但不是限于)定金、 保险费、 评估费、 律师费、 检验费和买利息率的费用。

Step 7: Close on Your Home

Make sure you get a home inspection before you close. It will be well-worth the money spent since it ensures the property's structural soundness and good condition.

Setting the closing date that is convenient to both parties may be tricky, but can certainly be done. Remember that you may have to wait until your rental agreement runs out and the seller may have to wait until they close on their new house.

Be sure you talk to your mortgage banker to understand all the costs that will be involved with the closing so there are no surprises. Closing costs will likely include (but are not limited to) your down payment, title fees, appraisal fees, attorney fees, inspection fees, and points you may have bought to buy down your interest rate.

第八步 ︰ 搬家

房屋成功成交了,已经属于你了,现在该搬家了 !根据你的状况和东西多少选择搬家公司还是自己搬家; 也许朋友帮助搬家。 开始拆包,并享受你的新家 !如果你已经准备好了,买房子并不是麻烦事,你知道什么该做,何时做。

Step 8: Move In

You've got your mortgage, closed the deal and now it's time to move in! Whether you use a mover or not is up to you, depending on your financial situation and how much stuff you have to move; perhaps also, whether you have a lot of friends willing to help you move. Either way, you're done with the home buying process! Just start unpacking and start enjoying your first home! Buying a home for the first time doesn't have to be a hassle if you're prepared and you know what to do and when to do it. Choose an experienced home loan lender and a friendly, knowledgeable real estate agent-they are the key to helping you have a smooth home buying experience!




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