
转贴:張昭富( Barry Chang)女兒眼中的父親

(2014-04-27 09:17:01) 下一个


网友来稿:張昭富( Barry Chang)女兒眼中的父親



On April 25th, I attended Barry Chang’s 62nd birthday celebration who is the current councilmen of Cupertino and is also running for State Assembly D28. Old and new supporters, of all ethnicities, came on stage and shared why we should support Barry Chang. They said he is the voice that listens to the voters. His foresight saved Cupertino from selling some of the public school districts. He spared no effort to guide and support the next generation of politicians. He is an honest, integrity, and idealistic spokesperson. His American dream is that one day there will be a Chinese-American that will become the U.S. President.

Finally, his daughter who just passed the bar came to tell her childhood story about her father, Barry Chang. Every night before her siblings and her slept, he would ask each of them “What do they want to be when they grow up?” Each of us would say “Grow up to be an American President” and he would kiss them goodnight. This is my father, he thinks big and he follows through with it. Support Barry Chang.

I have been a dear old friend of Barry Chang for over 20 years. As we coming together, keep striving together and working together, I believe that there will be a Chinese-American President in the future. And that is Barry Chang’s dream and my dream too.


張昭富( Barry Chang)女兒眼中的父親

昨天四月二十五日是加州眾議員D28選區候選人Barry Chang(張昭富)62歲的生日,做為他20年的老友,我參加了生日party。支持者不分新老、不分族裔紛紛上台說說大家心目中的Barry Chang,我們為何要支持他? 大家談到他的美國夢-希望有一天在美國生的華裔下一代可以做美國總統。他是一位傾聽選民聲音、言出必行的人。他有遠見保存了Cupertino 一些可能要賣掉的公立校區。他提攜下一代參政不遺餘力。他是一位誠實、認真、有理想的選民代言人。

最後他剛考上律師執照的女兒上台說了一個孩童時代的故事-他的爸爸張昭富,像其他父親一様關心孩子的教育,每天晚上都會到孩子的房間親親孩子道晚 安,但是他每天都會問他們同一個問題,你們長大後要做什麼?並且都只有一個標準答案「長大後做美國總統」。數十年如一日。這就是他們的父親,我們支持的張 昭富。


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