You're absolutely right Jackie sounds just like a regular little girl when she talks, but she commands so much more than a ten year old can do when she sings. She is indeed exceptional. While someone can be trained to become a singer, someone like Jackie is born to be.
You're absolutely right Jackie sounds just like a regular little girl when she talks, but she commands so much more than a ten year old can do when she sings. She is indeed exceptional. While someone can be trained to become a singer, someone like Jackie is born to be.
Good weekend!
今年自己没买月饼,倒是吃得比往年还多,人家送的,自己做的,来看看都有些啥,广式,苏式,香港式,南韩式,最后还尝到来自国内的“全素月饼”, 嗯,这两周的瑜伽算是白做了~~~~