一直都很喜欢这首音乐,但不敢多听,还有其它几首电影音乐也是如此,像《简爱》,The Last of The Mohigans, The Gladiator。。。。。是因为上次你贴了 Al Pacino,又想到了这首曲子。弄不清是因为音乐中浸透着优美的悲怆,还是悲怆本身始终都是优美的,让人欲罢不能。由此又想到鲁迅所说的,悲剧是把人生有价值的东西毁灭给人看。《教父》三结尾的畫面和这首音乐的配合,你讲得再好不过了,再多说一个字都是多余的了。
苏乡门地2010-05-15 14:34:19回复悄悄话
This is so touching!!! It brought me right back to the ending scene of Godfather III when Mary was shot and lying dead in Michael's arms. I believe the music starts to play along with Michael's silent scream, then, Connie pulled her black capes to cover her head...as it continues on, you realize that this music truely symbolizes the epilogue of The Godfather Saga, the death of Michael Corleone, and of course, the fall of the Corleone Empire.
I know I cried evrytime when watching this part...音乐太意大利,太悲怆了!
一直都很喜欢这首音乐,但不敢多听,还有其它几首电影音乐也是如此,像《简爱》,The Last of The Mohigans, The Gladiator。。。。。是因为上次你贴了 Al Pacino,又想到了这首曲子。弄不清是因为音乐中浸透着优美的悲怆,还是悲怆本身始终都是优美的,让人欲罢不能。由此又想到鲁迅所说的,悲剧是把人生有价值的东西毁灭给人看。《教父》三结尾的畫面和这首音乐的配合,你讲得再好不过了,再多说一个字都是多余的了。
I know I cried evrytime when watching this part...音乐太意大利,太悲怆了!
Nice clips. Thank you for posting them.