

(2020-03-24 17:52:33) 下一个

Reddit上有一个栏目: People who grew up rich but turned poor what's your story.   A lot of people share their personal life story.   很好看。在这混乱的时刻,想起好像是一年前在投坦的大争论,工作20年退休金应该有200万的话题来了。看看今天的股市,估计不会有几个人会那么牛的说话了吧。工作20年你有2百万的退休金,You are very lucky.只说退休金啊。


My dad owned several very successful radio stations, then sold them all for several million while all the mega-media companies were buying them up. We lived very comfortably for a while with a nice house and a vacation home right on the slopes of a major Colorado ski resort. He married a gold digger.

Unfortunately, he bought it all with money that relied on tech stocks, then the .com bubble burst. We lost everything. He tried to sue his broker for bad advice, but only "won" about $200k. He then declared bankruptcy and lost everything again. Our house sold for half of its worth. I have no idea what happened to the vacation home, but I assume something similar. His wife divorced him.

My dad, brother, and I all split up to try to make it on our own. He ended up couch surfing with my mom's family while he got a real estate license. He is still paying alimony.

My brother and I put ourselves through school and we both have reasonable jobs now and are doing alright.

*Edit for those asking for details:

My Mom passed when I was 11. The gold digger was my dad's second wife.

Yes, there is a lot of money that was unaccounted for in my story. I was a detached 16/17 year old at the time and wasn't interested in the details. I just know he owed a lot of money to a lot of people and didn't have anything to pay them with.

My dad is doing fine now. He got his real estate license, got back on his feet, then the housing market tanked and he lost it all again. Now he is semi-retired, working as a manager at a storage facility for more hours than he wants, and living off social security in a swanky retirement community.

The moral of the story is, if you invest, diversify. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

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