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trump团队的纳瓦罗,研究中国经济多年,还拍了两部电视片专门讲中国经济的。我比较感兴趣的是这两位中国通,一个是Michael Pillsbury (中文名:白邦瑞),中国人对他应该比较熟悉,里根时代就是活跃人物,现在的title是American Director of the Center on Chinese Strategy, 另外一位帅哥很了不起,想讲的是他:Matt Pottinger,Senior Director on Asian Affairs, National Security Council, 地位不可谓不重要,trump的亚洲政策都是听从他的建议。把帅哥照片放上。我曾经看到过帅哥写的一篇文章,讲述他在中国的经历,他曾经是华尔街日报驻京记者,因为报道一些事情,有一晚让警察堵在家里,把他写的文章撕碎扔进马桶冲掉了。我印象深刻他在文章里表现出的屈辱愤慨,他说他是美国人都受到这样的待遇,可想而知中国普通百姓是什么样子。他那篇文章结尾说得话让很多中国网友感谢他,具体的我记不得了,大概是说美国今天做的一切也是为了中国人民,希望中国人民有耐心。当时是前几年在微信上被人转载的,后面跟帖没人骂他,都是感谢他的,我还奇怪小粉红都哪去了。这人从中国回来加入美国海军成为一名军人参加伊拉克战争。有兴趣可以去看看他写的那篇文章,我找找看能找到吗? 我非常钦佩这样的人,真正的爱美国。
Before he joined the United States Marine Corps, Pottinger worked as a journalist for Reuters between 1998 and 2001.[6][2] Then he moved to The Wall Street Journal until his retirement from journalism in 2005.[2] His stories won awards from the Society of Publishers in Asia and were nominated for the Pulitzer Prize. He covered a variety of topics, including the SARS epidemic and the 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami; in the latter assignment, he met United States Marines and was inspired by their courageousness.[6][2] He spent seven years reporting in China.[7][8] While interviewing Chinese workers in Beijingabout their claims of government corruption, Pottinger was attacked by a government thug.