

The Corruptions for Chinese High-Ranking Official

(2014-02-07 20:43:31) 下一个

          Everyone in the world yearns for freedom, justice, and dignity, which are the basic human rights for all citizens in each country. This is the same in   China to be  shinning for the overwhelming number of  Chinese citizens. However, in some  administration,  there is neither democracy, neither civil rights, nor the People’s livelihood.

           As a Director General in  Zhejiang Maritime Safety Administration(ZMSA), Gao Jun is a high-ranking official as a member in Chinese Communist Party. He is not only  a complete autocrat dictator working in such ZMSA, and  also an arrant hypocrite.  In  ZMSA, he possesses the sovereign dominating power and works as a  leader in the control class. Gao Jun,  exalted and powerful, is feared by all staff members working in ZMSA. Whatever he said is equal to the imperial edict that he is the only person who can decide on whether the staff members can still work for ZMSA or not. His order is the same as  imperial edict so that he can fire  any staff members in ZMSA without any  reasons. This  is the case of unscrupulous elements coming into power.

Excluding the Office Staff with Different Views

          There is no democracy for common office staff in ZMSA. He has been pursuing and exercising dictatorship over the whole ZMSA since he came to ZMSA three years ago. The
ways that Gao Jun treats the office staff are not put on an equal footing. For those staff whom he hates, he handles with them in the ways as eliminating the class enemies. However, for those
staff that he likes or loves, he takes them as his big brothers. For instance, on the night of  late summer of 2010, one of his big brothers   and colleagues, named Hu Jihua in ZMSA fell in the intoxication state on his way back home after a drinking party, Gao Jun made   decisions that Hu Jihua’s injury should be considered and taken as “work-related injury” and “industrial accident”, then Hu Jihua could get  much more medical
allowances, compensations and other benefits for this so-called “ industrial injury”. This is a typical demonstration that Gao Jun is seeking personal gains by abusing his political power for his good friends and colleagues when he is at the top to govern ZMSA . On the other respect, any office staff that he hates are not so lucky. In 2011, one of deputy Director General in ZMSA was discriminated against Gao Jun’s private group, Gao Jun was dedicated at establishing  his own power, controlling the group and pushing aside office staff with different views. Nowadays he has established his own powerful group.
As long as Gao Jun and his private group are governing ZMSA, they are representing autocrat in ZMSA  in China.

          In China’s contemporary political circle, there is existing a famous dictum, that is to
say,  “ if  leader says you are a good or competent staff, then you are  a really good or competent one; if  leader says  you are a dad or terrible staff, then you are a really bad or terrible one.”
 Gao Jun is abusing his political power to conceal the truth, even to play fraud over the  public in his private  group in this patriarchal way, the whole ZMSA is governed by one  voice of Gao Jun alone, even though the China Central Government advocates the policy of “ruled by the voice of majorities” and opposes that  of “ruled by the voice of ones  alone”.

Abusing the Political Power in Private Group

          Gao Jun likes pretending to advance himself to go along one way while secretly to go  along another way. There is a tertiary business affiliated to ZMSA, which is also called as “the secretly owned funds outside the official bank account” . The “Huayang Hotel” as such business is  located at the west district of Hangzhou, China. Gao Jun is also in charge of this small business. The Ministry of Communications and Transportation allocates a large number of administrative appropriations for this hotel every year, Gao Jun has easy and  free ways to abuse money for himself, Huayang Hotel has been experiencing over 3 times of interior and exterior decorations in large scale since he became the leader of ZMSA. The bid price for one of  decoration projects launched in this May
of year 2012 in Huayang Hotel is more than 5 million RMB, far exceeding reasonable bid price. The overwhelming amount of expenses  abused by Gao Jun to be squandered  for his own interests, can be drawn by
him at any time. For instance, the expenses include the money to purchase luxurious commodities for Gao Jun’s friends and his senior officials. Completely supported by such rich private business, Gao Jun can gain much more amount from such bribery. Gao Jun’s personal property has been accelerated to more than 30 billion RMB. He is such a wealthy, high-ranking official in Chinese Communist Party that he doesn’t have any necessity to spend his own salary. When a high-ranking official has the political power to abuse the public funds allocated from the Ministry of Communications and Transportation of China Government, he has  much more money to
be squandered so that  there is no time or chance for him to find his own bank card to check bank account balance, or to spend  his own formal work salary. All of these expenses including food, public transportations or accommodations are covered by Chinese tax payers. This is the truth in Gao Jun’s life. Could anyone imagine  how much  amount of benefits  has been offered to  him  since his high-ranking political position? or  how much illicit economic profits he has won from his political position?

Having Sex Relations and Black Money Deal

          Gao Jun  has sex relations with his female subordinate. When he was working as a  director of Ningbo Maritime Safety Administration (NMSA), and as a  director of Ningbo Marine Supervision Bureau (NMSB). Gao |Jun, by abusing his political power, forced this  female office staff to keep sex relations with himself for many years.  As a reward, Gao Jun also promoted her to the only director position, this  is the highest political position among all the female office staff  in ZMSA.

          Moreover, Gao Jun is aninvisible shareholder of many sea shipping companies in Zhejiang Province besides his working as a political leader of ZMSA. He is not written or registered as the shareholder in those sea shipping companies, however, he becomes the shareholder by abusing his political power and status that he possess. He can gain much more  bonus from those shipping companies every year. The political power shareholder is another form of bribery for  high-ranking official in China to pursue  personal gains by black money deal.  

           It is true as long as  Gao Jun takes charge in the leadership of ZMSA, he has been leading a life of debauchery. When he is purchasing luxurious commodities or his political power dream, when he is squandering large amount of public funds from Chinese tax payers,  does he even  think about what the civil rights are?  what the people’s  livelihood is?

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