

(2013-12-14 06:24:26) 下一个

(Ah, finally, I slept till 6 this morning! There is hope!)

女人四十烂茶渣,男四十一枝花。这句话听了很多,每次听到都 offend me to the core. 仔细想想,再周围看看 (中国看,美国看,欧洲看,就差非洲还没看),好像有一定的原因。

生活对大家来说都很累,对女人由其累。很多时候忙完家庭和公作,我们已没有精力照料自己了。We tend to let ourself go. 最明显的是外表,比如眉毛和头发。其实只要一点点时间就可以把眉毛修理整齐,头发一样。这样说好像很虚荣,其实不然。因为人的外表是内心的体现。People do judge and the first chance they have is to judge your personal appearance. It's superficial, but it the truth. 更中要的是,the efforts that you put in shows you respect yourself, you care, you are a vital woman and you are desirable.

女人年纪小的时候都渴望 a happily ever after ending and we all want to find a good man to complete ourself. 其实无论怎样过一生,关爱自己就离快乐不远。在任何年龄都可以是一枝花,就看你肯不肯花一点心力了。

所以姐妹妹们,find a little time for you and just you, go to the spa once a while, get a pedicure sometimes, go buy the best face cream that you can afford and throw away those sweaters that you got 5 years ago. Find a Sunday afternoon and go shopping and pick a few good things for yourself. Have a glass of wine while fixing the dinner, trust me, 你的笑容会很灿烂!

It's not that hard to be fabulous!

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