
Musings of the known and unknown


(2014-09-15 11:36:48) 下一个

The other day I was reading a long and delightful list of favorite things of someone on her blog. Thought I should write down a similar list; it might inspire others, and also remind myself to keep exploring.

    前几天看到某个人的博文, 列出了一长串她喜爱的事物。激发了我也来写一写,或许可以启发别人,同时也提醒自己不断探索下去。

      As I am typing the list, I view each experience not only as five senses intermingling but also a soul (not just a body) tasting a drop of entire cosmo ocean, yes, ocean in one single drop. How magnificent is that?

    在我列数它们的同时,我将每一个体验不仅视作五感的交融,而且是灵魂(不是身体感受而言,身体仅是灵魂极小的居所)在品尝宇宙海洋, 每个体验都是其璀璨的一滴法味。

So here’s my list 列出如下:


A more elevating thought.每个更升华的思想。


A great book/movie that leaves me in shock (also speechless state) for days.一本书或者一部电影让我如此撼动,在几天后余震内欲罢不能。


An inspiration, that expands and makes me feel so full that I could not help sharing it. Even better if I express it in a very creative way. The rushing energy makes my chest buzzes and spine shivers. I can’t get enough of it. and I get “high”, naturally speaking. 一个灵感,使我感到无限扩张和充满,让我不得不分享。最好是以非常有创意的方式。 急促的能量使我的胸腔震动、脊椎颤抖。非常自然的让我觉得很“high”的方式。


When someone looks me in the eye and tells me they are thankful they met me.某人看着我的眼睛,告诉我他(们)很感谢认识我。


Beautiful soulful eyes (not exclusively human's). As if God looks right at me.美丽而又充满灵魂的眼睛(不仅限于人类的)。 仿佛上帝看进我自己。


Coming across a kindred spirit. I just know. 与同族的相遇的时候(来自同一个心智层的人)。我通常就是知道。


Raw rice. Especially if it’s a warehouse full of raw rice. LOL. I miss going there when I was little with my mom. 生大米。最喜欢粮库。想念小时候和妈妈去买米。


Cheap, but uniquely designed accessories. Like scarf, purse, rings. 便宜而又特别的饰品。 比如围巾,皮包,戒指。


Cheap books. 便宜的书。


Nice photos I captured with my camera. 拍到的好照片。


Morning dews shining on the grass. 清晨草上晶莹的露珠。


Any super healthful food I find and learning the benefit of it. 任何超级健康的食品,了解到它的功效。



Any natural healing modality/remedy. 任何自然的疗愈方式。



Herb. Or anything that has herb in it…herbal tea, herbal soup, herbal ointment. 草药。 或者任何含药草的,比如药草茶, 草药汤,草药膏。


An old song that contains joyful memories of someone/some place.任何钩起对某个人/地方美好回忆的歌曲。


Tangerine sky/clear blue sky.橘红色的天空/湛蓝的天空。


Fragrance of woods. 森林的芬芳。




A big bowl of colorful salad. Preferably made by myself. 彩色沙拉。最好是自己做的。


?Snowballs/snow flakes.雪球/雪花


Aura colors--golden, violet, indigo, turquoise, green, and pink 辉光-金色,紫色,靛蓝色,湖蓝色,绿色和粉红色。


My cat's fuzzy paw, her purring and meowing 我的猫的毛爪,她的胡噜声、撒娇声。


Though I don't do this practice often....on one of those gloomy mornings going to work, on the train I would visualize the sun actually present in the sky. I visualize the golden liquid light reaches where I am, pouring down from my head to toe. Just thinking the sheer fact that the sun rays reach the earth 24/7, never fails, I’m instantaneously grateful. Thinking the fact that there is a force behind holding all these rotations, I am instantaneously grateful. I would sit in this immense gratitude for a while and feel inside my eyelids getting wetter. This is a small empowerment practice I did in cold and gloomy winter. And usually right after it ecstasy arises, out of deep gratitude and love for the sun and Gaia. 虽然我不经常使用这个练习,但是在阴沉的冬天,在上班的路上时,我会观想天空中灿烂的太阳现身, 然后观想它金色的光芒如液体般从头倾泄而下。光想着太阳的照耀常年无休,我已经十分感恩。再想到太阳和地球背后的那个使一切公转、自转的力量在那里,我已经十分感恩。我会让自己坐在这种浓浓的感激中,让这种情绪充满自己,直到眼眶开始湿润。这是我在阴暗的冬天曾经经常使用的练习, 通常做完了以后会有一种莫名的喜悦在我心内涌出,来源于对太阳和大地(父与母)的一种深深的感恩。


Pop music mixed with some oriental instruments. The expression is uncanny. It’s like Yin and Yang fall madly in love. 混进东方音乐元素的流行音乐。这种表达,仿佛阴和阳的两面在狂恋。


Any traditional music/art form expressed in a new way by the performer. Love the surprise. 任何传统形式的音乐/艺术被赋予新的表达方式。爱这种惊喜。


When my readers capture the essence that I tried to convey and tell me exactly what I wanted to hear. 当我的读者捕捉到我要表达的精粹并告诉我就在等着听到的话的时候。


When I tell someone exactly what they needed to hear and elevate/motivate them.当我告诉某人他们需要听到的话并激发他们的时候。


Synchronicities in general. Especially when they come in tandem. 同步性的巧合,而且是一个接一个发生的时候。



Deep and meaningful conversation. 深刻的长谈。


Profound thoughts expressed in poetic way. I am fond of Ken Wilber and John Muir's style. 诗意性地表达出来的深刻的思想。我喜欢肯威伯和约翰缪尔 的风格。


 Slightly masculine outfit. 略带男性味的服饰。


  A translation that I come up with embodies the meaning and context.一个我想到的传神的翻译。


Conversing in my hometown dialect and in the mean time being funny in an untranslatable way. 以无法言传(只能意会)的幽默方式讲家乡话的时候。

Lillies. 香水百合。


Poncho. The look is ancient and modern. 斗篷, 古典又时尚。


Green juice. Liquid of light. ^_^ 绿色果蔬汁, 液化的光!


Hiking. 徒步旅行。


Lying on the grass. 在草地上躺着。

Sun dried linen. 晒过的被单。


 Watching the sky (day or night) 望呆(白天的天空或者星辰)。


When I get naturally high, I tend to enjoy being among people. Let the energy pulsate, spazz out as much as it could, in the meantime feel the energy times-fold in return. 在我感觉很high的时候,我会想要呆在人群里,让这种能量扩张,尽量铺散开去,同时我会感到这种能量以倍增的方式向我席卷来回赠给我。


When I feel low, I also let myself stand among people. I see the luster in their eyes as the grace from the cosmos and their smile helps open heart chakra. I am reminded how small my problem is. 在我感觉低潮的时候,我也会试着走到人群里,我看着他们眼睛中的光彩,仿佛来自宇宙的恩宠,他们的微笑打开了我的心轮。我被提醒了我的问题其实多么的微不足道。



Each time I learn a new word and find the immediate opportunity to use it. 每次我学到一个新词并能随即用上的时候。


Each time I retrieve a knowing (yes we all already know) from the noosphere. (hmm...what does it mean? go figure).每次我从人类思想圈中获得一个新的(遗失了的)的了解(其实我们本来都是已知的)。(怎么获得的就不具体说了)


Being visited by a benevolent non-physical being. (Yeah I said it). 非物质存有的实体的造访, 哈,我就这么说了


Each time I abandon an old idea that no longer serves me. 每次我扬弃一个对我已经无益的旧的思想的时候。


Each time I find I could be more fearless/free (they are synonyms). 每次我发现我可以更无惧/自由的时候(自由和无惧在我来说是同义的)。


Everything about Chicago. 关于芝加哥的一切。


I think the list could go on...好了, 虽然我觉得我可以继续写下去。

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