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Dr Joe 英语原创系列1 -- 猜猜谁会是美国新总统?

2016-11-07 Dr. Joe DrJoe中小学英语写作阅读课堂





Dr. Joe Original Writing Series 1

Dr. Joe英语原创系列1


Dr. Joe Original Writing Series is the original writing works by Dr. Joe.  All rights reserved.   Dr. Joe 原创系列是Dr. Joe原创作品。版权所有 侵权必究



Note: The author doesn’t mean to support or not support any candidate of the Election. He is sharing and only sharing his understanding of American politics.


If Trump wins, the following factors are not as strong as the opposite ones.

If not, the following reasons work.



As the Election Day is one day away, the raving supporters of Trump are roaring for the final battles claiming to take back the White House and send Hillary Clinton to jail. Many demographic groups are joining the force including the blue-collar white people, the unemployed former middle class members, and the high-incomed immigrant groups like the Chinese Americans. However, it is time for them and all people watching the Election to be disillusioned.  The cold and clear fact is that Trump will never win the Presidency even if his opponent has a lot of problems and troubles at the point of time just before the final decision. Here is the simple and straightforward why.


Trump himself is the fundamental and ultimate answer why he won’t be the 45th President of the United States. Yes, he was married three times and divorced twice; yes, he has to face the Trump University lawsuits; yes, he won’t disclose his tax returns—but, these are trivial issues for the presidential election, includingthe “Locker Room Talk.” The REAL game is, like what Bill Clinton said in his campaign years ago, “It’s the economy, stupid!” When Trump said, again andagain, he would levy high taxes to the Chinese and Mexican imports and bringthe well-paid manufacturing jobs back to the U.S., when he said he would give up the American responsibilities for many military posts in the world, when he said the U.S. might need to change its decades-old policy of preventing Japan from getting a nuclear weapon—when Donald Trump said all these things, maybe he had gathered millions of “Angry Silent Americans” around him, but he had unavoidably irritated and scared the Wall Street and also the Main Street tycoons, not to mention the conventional political dignitaries—Democrats, Republicans, andindependents alike.  America has been,and still is, the one and only super power on earth most crucially because it boasts the largest and strongest economy in the world. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett know that, Michael Bloomberg knows that, Paul Ryan knows that, and the Bush family certainly knows that. They understand boosting economy is not that simple as to punish China or Russia with prohibitive import duties; they also understand withdrawing all the military, economic and political existence from the other continents will only make America’s influences die down. For them to puta wild card like Trump in the White House, to entrust him with the power to tax other economic powers and to put his finger on the nuclear button? No Way! Not even remotely close!


There is no denying that the millions of pro-Trump voters matter. Nobody says they don’t. But the key is: “Did you count heads for the other side?” How many American citizens are against Trump? How many of them are for Clinton? A more important question is: “Do you understand the influence and the power of the business moguls and the political chiefs in front of and behind the scenes?” The “Occupy Wall Street” movement by the “99%” failed; so will the “Make Trump President” one. The U.S. is changing—to certain extent and in some areas drastically, but it has not change so much so that a candidate like Trump will sit in the oval office for four or eight years. We are not making judgement of values, and we don’t mean to support or not support any one in the Election. We are only sharing the hard truth. Simple as that.        



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