8,How to teach kids to collect and prepare topics for writing ?
9,Does weekly journal help the writing skill ? How to make it a meaningful and fun thing to do?
10,五年级的学生爱看 chapter book。写文章爱写对话方式,而且用词很口语化。请问有什么好办法引导学生网学术化发展?
11, 孩子经常写流水账,该怎样引导?
14,孩子看书多,想法也多,,但是每次写东西重点不突出,有点口语感,不能完全概括总结来反映主题,请问如何提高?Your advice will be highly appreciated
16,我孩子写文章都是nonfiction 风格,虽然写的不错,但让她写fiction风格的,比如说描写一个旅行的,她还是会写成nonfiction 那种 information式的。怎么引导她吧fiction写好?
1: My child has very strong self-esteem so that he would not allow parents to offer opinions and comments on his writings. What can I do?
2: If my child misses any class, can he still make up for the loss?
3: My child doesn’t seem to have much interest in writing. What can I do?
4: I want my kids to study with you, but some parents say the kids will know how to write naturally after they read enough books. What do you think?
5: Do grade 6 students need to train following the rules of expository, narrative, descriptive and persuasive writings or they can also improve skills by writing journals and titled articles?
6: How do we guide the younger kids so that they start to love writing?
7: How can I catch the keys to write a good essay?
8: How to teach kids to collect and prepare topics for writing?
9: Does weekly journal help the writing skills? How to make it a meaningful and fun thing to do?
10: A fifth-grader loves to read chapter books. He writes articles with a lot of conversations with colloquial language. Is there good way to guide them towards academic writings?
11: My kid writes a story like keeping an accounting book, with a lot of entries but no coherence. What should I do?
12: How do I help my child who has just started learning English?
13: My kid reads a lot of books, but his writings are loosely structured and words from books are not used. Is it true that reading a lot doesn’t necessarily help writing?
14: It is a repetition of some previous questions. See the above answers.
15: How should my child strengthen his argumentative writings?
16: My child enjoys nonfiction writings. Even in fiction assignments like a trip story, he still shows strong signs of informative nonfiction style. How do we help him to write a better fictitious story?
17: When should my child start learning to write after he can read independently? What writing exercises can he do at home?