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宅居颂--试译蒲伯的Ode on Solitude

(2014-03-27 15:06:08) 下一个

宅居颂 Ode on Solitude

亚历山大·蒲伯 Alexander Pope (1688-1744)

幸福之人心所寄 Happy the man, whose wish and care
皆在祖传几亩地, A few paternal acres bound,
清新空气任呼吸 Content to breathe his native air
徜徉自家田园里。 In his own ground.
牛只挤奶地产面,Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,
羊绵供他衣裳暖,Whose flocks supply him with attire,
夏日避暑林荫间,Whose trees in summer yield him shade,
冬天枝柴能驱寒。In winter fire.

无忧无虑有福显,Blest, who can unconcern'dly find
时时悠闲日月年,Hours, days, and years slide soft away,
身体矫健心平安,In health of body, peace of mind,
静静悄悄呆白天。Quiet by day.

夜晚酣睡也香甜,Sound sleep by night; study and ease
劳逸结合读书闲,Together mix'd; sweet recreation:
返真归璞回自然,And innocence, which most does please
沉思默想成宅男。With meditation.

如是生活无闻见,Thus let me live, unseen, unknown,
死也不用人吊唁,Thus unlamented let me dye,
何需墓碑偷世间,Steal from the world, and not a stone
告人我躺在哪边?Tell where I lie.

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