十月初时国内十一长假,微信wechat上看到以前同学好友借机游历俄罗斯,先去莫斯科,后到彼得堡。记得他从彼得堡发来一组照片,我看后回复说:帮我看看那座彼得大帝的青铜雕像吧! 第二天朋友的微信上果然就贴有青铜骑士的照片。
记得四十年前读中学上大学期间喜欢普希金的作品,读过当时所有能找到的他的诗歌和小说以及相关传记,其中包括戈宝权和查良铮等的译本;其中有叙事长诗《青 铜骑士》,留下深刻印象,越四十多年没能忘却。不到五百句的长诗,简洁讲述了年少有为变法图强的彼得大帝独断专行在荒蛮低洼海岸圈地建造彼得堡城市以及许 多年代以后一场洪灾中彼得堡年轻市民欧根(Evgeny)遭遇的致命人生打击直至发疯死于非命的故事;故事在大人物(彼得大帝)vs小人物(欧根),历史 宿命vs个人命运之间充满张力,令人唏嘘不已。
如果天予时间精力胆量和灵感,扎扎爸会尝试以打油体讲述这些故事;之所以以打油体,原因有二: 一是自己打油以外的艺术形式迄今还一概不会;二是窃以为荒诞故事其实最适合以打油方式边述说边调侃。

青铜骑士 The Bronze Horseman
一个有关彼得堡的故事 A Petersburg Story
亚历山大.普希金 Aleksandr Pushkin
本篇故事确为真。 The incident, described in this story is based on a truth.
洪灾细节世曾闻, The details of the flood are taken from the contemporary magazines.
好奇读者请自寻, The curious ones can consult the record, prepared by V. I. Berkh.
V. I. Berkh资料存。

海岸荒凉涌波涛, On a deserted, wave-swept shore,
他站岸边翻思潮- He stood – in his mind great thoughts grow –
大河北流极目眺 And gazed afar. The northern river
宽广河面水咆哮; Sped on its wide course him before;
一尾小舟波中摇。 One humble skiff cut the waves’ silver.
岸有麋鹿和青草 On banks of mosses and wet grass
漆黑小屋零星造-- Black huts were dotted there by chance –
可怜芬佬生活糟; The miserable Finn’s abode;
云遮昏日光难照 The wood unknown to the rays
森林随风发悲号, Of the dull sun, by clouds stowed。
此时此地他想到: Hummed all around. And he thought so:
瑞典从此会吓着; ‘The Swede from here will be frightened;
伟大城市将打造 Here a great city will be wrought
无论邻邦如何瞧。 To spite our neighborhood conceited.
命里注定此地要 From here by Nature we’re destined
夺门打通欧洲道, To cut a door to Europe wide,
立足海上成前哨。 To step with a strong foot by waters.
从此海路建多条, Here, by the new for them sea-paths,
各色旗舰具来朝-- Ships of all flags will come to us –
四海盛会朕主导。” And on all seas our great feast opens.’
飞逝年轮新城堡, An age passed, and the young stronghold,
北国靓亮齐聚焦, The charm and sight of northern nations,
旧是幽林寒泽沼, From the woods’ dark and marshes’ cold,
崛起宝城人自豪。 Rose the proud one and precious.
曾几何时芬渔佬, Where once the Finnish fisherman,
遗世独悲居海角, Sad stepson of the World, alone,
低洼河堤泥沙料, By low riverbanks’ a sand,
曾抛海域无名叫。 Cast into waters, never known,
His ancient net, now on the place,
如今堤岸人杂嘈, Along the full of people banks,
楼宇宫殿分布巧 Cluster the tall and graceful masses
节比鳞次典雅高; Of castles and palaces; and sails
船帆穿梭码头跑 Hasten in throng to the rich quays
全球各地老板到; From all the lands our planet masters;
涅瓦河岸岩饰考; The Neva-river’s dressed with rocks;
数座跨水桥立傲; Bridges hang o’er the waters proud;
星罗棋布多海岛 Abundantly her isles are covered
幽绿花园门锁牢... With dark-green gardens’ gorgeous locks…

崭新首都正年少, By the new capital, the younger,
莫斯科旧黯然老-- Old Moscow’s eclipsed at once -
如皇太后光环掉 Such is eclipsed a queen-dowager
新当皇后登基了。 By a new queen when her time comes.
我爱此城彼得造, I love you, Peter’s great creation,
庄严典雅美景瞧, I love your view of stern and grace,
涅瓦波浪排山倒, The Neva wave’s regal procession,
堤岸花岗岩铺道, The grayish granite – her bank’s dress,
铁质围栏自然雕, The airy iron-casting fences,
暮色澄彻柔和耀, The gentle transparent twilight,
少眠无月夜光皎, The moonless gleam of your nights restless,
当我如意读写稿 When I so easy read and write
屋里不用点灯照, Without a lamp in my room lone,
左街大楼岩石料 And seen is each huge buildings’ stone
石头一一都看到 Of the left streets, and is so bright
金钟塔尖光闪耀, The Admiralty spire’s flight,
夏天白夜时光妙 And when, not letting the night’s darkness
夜幕难遮天庭高, To reach the golden heaven’s height,
日落黎明紧追到-- The dawn after the sunset hastens –
半个时辰一夜了。 And a half-hour’s for the night.
我爱这里严冬早 I love your so sever winter’s
气清霜重静悄悄, Quite still and fresh air and strong frost,
河上岸边赛雪橇, The sleighs race on the shores river’s,
姑娘脸比玫瑰娇, The girls – each brighter than a rose,
舞会眼神与笑闹, The gleam and hum of the balls’ dances,
单身盛宴饮酒豪, And, on the bachelors’ free feast,
酒盏冒泡丝丝叫 The hissing of the foaming glasses
鸡尾酒冒蓝火苗。 And the punch’s bluish flaming mist.
我爱临战战神到 I love the warlike animation
野练校场看出操, Of the play-fields of the god Mars,
马步将士齐排好, And horse-and-footmen priests’ of wars
So homogeneous attraction,
行进有序律协调, In their ranks, in the rhythmic moves,
得胜残旗猎猎飘, Those flags, victories and rended,
弹孔钢盔闪闪耀, The glitter of those helmets, splendid,
Shot through in military strives.
我爱首都你至高, I love, O capital my fairest,
要塞炮响雷烟交, Your stronghold guns’ thunder and smoke,
举国同庆时不少 In moments when the northern empress
北方女皇太子抱 Adds brunches to the regal oak
俄胜强敌新与老, Or Russia lauds a winning stroke
To any new and daring foe,
淡蓝冰川开冻早, Or, breaking up the light-blue ice,
涅瓦河淌人欢笑, The Neva streams it and exults,
冰消雪融春嗅到。 Scenting the end of cold and snow.
彼得之城你闪耀 City of Peter, just you shine
就像俄国站立牢! And stand unshakable as Russia!
结伴美与自然道, May make a peace with beauty, thine,
所辖效忠都和好; The conquered nature’s casual rushes;
芬兰波涛应忘掉 And let the Finnish waves forget
牵制敌意一笔消 Their ancient bondages and malice
莫以仇恨来惊扰 And not disturb with their hate senseless
彼得大帝睡长觉! The endless sleep of Peter, great!
但有一段时光糟, The awful period was that,
记忆犹新难忘掉... It’s fresh in our recollection…
朋友倾听我唠叨, This time about, my dear friend,
I am beginning my narration.
故事很惨先预告。 My story will be very sad.
彼得格勒天趋暗, On Petrograd, sunk into darkness,
11月秋风吹人寒。 November breathed with fall cold’s harshness.
涅瓦河吼巨浪翻 And, splashing, with the noisy waves
波涛冲打岸墙边, Into the brims of her trim fences,
河发癔像人发癫 The Neva raved, like the seek raves
大河已经噪不安。 In a bed, that has become the restless.
天色这时黑也晚; Now it was very dark and late;
雨水敲打窗纸扁。 The rain stroke ‘gainst the window’s flat.
狂风吹彻声悲惨。 And the wind blew with sadly wailing.
就在此时有人还 Right at this time, from being a guest
欧根夜里回家眠, Evgeny, for his nightly rest,
欧根名字很一般 Came home. This name was most prevailing
就选这名我喜欢。 In our young hero’s name choice.
当然听着也不烦, It sounds pleasantly. Of course,
这名与我笔名联 With it my pen’s had long connections
但无必要特别传。 It needn’t the special commendations,
时代变迁光阴转, Though in the times, in Lithe gone,
此姓曾经名声喧 It might have been the most attractive
至少在克氏(Karamzin)笔端 And under Karamzin’s pen, fine,
歌功颂德同胞编; Sung in some legends, our native;
于今一切不相干 But now it is forgotten by
上流社会及传言。 The world and rumors. Our guy
欧根现在府当差, Lives in Kolomna: he’s in service,
贫居闹市不悲哀, Avoids the rich ones, and ne’er sad is
上流祖先虽气派, For his kin which had left the world,
时代久远具忘怀。 Or for the well-forgotten old.
欧根小伙回家转, So, he is home – our Evgeny,
脱去外衣床被钻, Took off his greatcoat, undressed,
心事重重难入眠。 Lay in his poor bed, but oppressed
He was by his thoughts, so many.
君问欧根啥想偏? What did he thought of? Well, of that
小伙卑微也贫寒, That he was poor and that his bread,
终日工作卖力换 His honour and his independence
为食为名为心安, Just by hard work must be achieved,
上苍如若特照看 That God should send to him from heavens
助他健智和挣钱。 More mind and money. That do live
不像那些纨绔汉-- Such idle, fully happy creatures –
滑稽无比懒又馋, The lazy-bones, quite ludicrous,.
却都活得很暇闲! Whose life is absolutely light!
欧根入职才两年; That he had served for two long years;
天气很糟现更糟, And that the weather, former fierce,
涅瓦河水渐涨高, Hadn’t come less fierce, that the flood
In the Neva is getting higher,
桥梁可能全被淹, The bridges might be got entire,
女友巴娜莎隔岸 And that his sweet Parasha’s place
已经两天没见面。 For two-free days wouldn’t be accessed.
欧根思念衷心叹, There sighed Evgeny with his soul,
梦成诗人梦奇幻: And dreamed as dreams a real bard:
“结婚成家当然难。 “To marry then? Of course it’s hard.
不论婚嫁又怎办? But why don’t marry, in a whole?
年轻健康男子汉, I’m of the young and healthy sight,
昼夜工作人不闲; Ready to work for day and night;
总有办法把家安, I’ll someway find the good repose,
何如偏远住简单, The simple and shy place, at last,
女友终能得心安。 Parasha will be there composed.
也许不出一两年-- The year or, may be, two will pass –
心想事成有新差, I’m in position, to my dear
家庭重任我来担 I’ll give all family to bear
养育儿女绕膝欢... And bring our children up, at once...
如此这般把家安, Such we’ll start life, at last repose,
心心相印手相牵, With hand-in-hand, such we’ll come both,
死后孙将我辈埋..." And our grandsons will bury us...”

一夜梦幻梦不完。 Thus he did dream. And a great sadness
心有忧虑挥不开, Embraced his soul in that night,
指望风嚎声量减, He wished the wind’s weep to be lesser,
雨打寒窗频放缓。 Rain’s siege of windows – not so tight.
终于入寝合睡眼... At last his sleepy eyes were closed...
不觉夜幕转灰暗-- And now the night is getting gray –
此夜讨嫌有忧患, That night, so nasty and morose,
迎来白天更悲惨! And it is coming – the pale day
The awful day! During the night
夜里涅瓦风雨战 Neva had strived for sea ‘gainst tempests
终于不支全盘翻, But, having lost all her great battles,
大河无力再抗战... The river ceased the useless fight…
早晨大水上沿岸, And in the morn on her shores proud,
市民聚集举目看 Stood people in a pressed in lot
浪高声响水排山。 And saw the tall and heard the loud
Fierce waters’ mountains, it had brought.
倒海波浪风送来 But by the force of airy breathing
却又受挫在海湾, Blocked from the Gulf, the wide Neva
宽广涅瓦激流返-- Came back – the wrathful one and seething -
远近岛屿全被淹; And flooded islands, near and far;
气候更加趋凶险, The weather grew into the cruel,
涅瓦愈涨愈野蛮, Neva – more swelling and more brutal,
就像壶烧沸腾开, Like in a kettle boiled and steamed,
更像野兽暴怒态, And then, as a wild creature seemed,
扑进城市惹祸灾。 Jumped on the city. And before it,
一切让路它冲来, All ran away from its strait path,
所有清空它离开; And all got emptied there; at once.
洪水已把地窖灌, The waters flew into the cellars,
漫上堤岸运河淹-- And raised up to the fence of canals –
护城海神也难管 And, like Triton, Petropol sails
自己泡汤及腰间。 Sunk in the water till his waist.
祸水围攻城池陷! Siege and assault! The evil waters
挤破门窗屠夫变。 Thrust into windows, like slaughters.
疯船调转琉璃断. The mad boats row into a glass.
小贩摊铺泥里钻。 The stalls are under the wet mass.
屋骸原木房顶尖, The wrecks of huts, the logs, roofs’ pieces,
楼层地板吉祥件, The stores of the tread, auspicious,
裹挟席卷它钦点, The things, carried the pale want from,
桥梁碎片雷雨浇, The bridges got away by storm,
墓地棺木也冲跑-- The coffins from the graveyards - float,
所有一切满街漂! Along the streets!
上苍震怒民临到 The populace
束手待毙人无着。 Sees God’s great wrath and waits for death.
所有一切具已销: All is destroyed: bread and abode.
无有食宿怎活靠? And how to live?
神佑沙皇亚历山大王, The monarch, blessed,
统治俄国正万康, Tsar Aleksandr, in a good fashion,
闻此洪灾就恓惶, Still governed Russia that year, dread,
站在阳台面色苍, And from the balcony he, sad
他说"自然神力造 And pale, said: “Ne’er the God-made nature
神前沙皇束手降。" Can be subdued by any tsars.”
面对恶果熟思量, And, in a thought, looked at the evil’s
眼光深邃现忧怅。 With his full of deep sadness eyes.
街路已成河道淌, The streets turned into the fast rivers,
水汇成湖暗且伤, Running to made lakes, dark and grievous,
皇宫不幸孤岛晾, The Palace was an island, sad,
四周黑水流茫茫。 That loomed over the blackened waters.
沙皇降旨全线防, The Tsar decreed – from end to end,
长短街道都不放, Down the shortest streets and longest,
抗洪救灾斗波浪, On danger routs over the waves,
将军上船各出发-- His generals set into the sailing –
救死扶伤灾区忙 To save the drawing and straining
沿街挨家搜坟场。 On streets and in their homes-graves.
彼得广场最宽敞, Then on the widest Square of Peter,
两头石狮站门廊, Where with his glass a new pile glittered,
高高站立雄威壮, Where on its porch, too highly placed,
栩栩如生爪举张, With their paw raised, as if they’re living,
花岗岩狮在巡场。 Stood two marble lions, overseeing.
一头狮上一人晾, On one of them, as for a race,
没戴帽子臂抓狂, Without his hat, arms – tightly pressed,
满脸煞白无惊慌-- Awfully pale – no stir appeared –
欧根坐在石狮上。 Evgeny sat. And there he feared
无惧自己可死亡。 Not his own death. He did not hear
不闻涛声响近旁, How the wrathful roller neared,
任由波浪添鞋梆, Greedily licking his shoes’ soles,
雨打面庞雨粗旷, And how flagged him the rain coarse,
风暴吹脸风嚎丧, And how the fierce wind there wailed,
帽子已然刮天上。 Or how it’d blown off his hat.
欧根此时最绝望 His looks of deepest desperation
一动不动坐那方。 Were all set on a single place
波浪焦躁涨急惶, Without a move. The waves, impatient,
就像峭岩耸海上 Had risen there, like tallest crags,
深海惊醒藏疯狂, Lifted from waked deeps in a madness,
残骸漂浮暴雨号... There wreckage swam, there wailed a tempest …
天啊天啊看那方! O, God! O, God! – Right on that place,
唉呀那排波浪旁! Alas! so close to the waves,
就在芬兰湾岸上, And by the shores of the Gulf Finnish,
柳下围栏未建完 A willow-tree, a fence unfinished
破旧茅屋有家园-- And an old hut: there they must be –
寡母女儿住屋檐-- A widow and her child Parasha –
巴娜莎啊梦中人... His soul’s dream … Or does he see
如今已然梦成灰... It in a dream? … And, like the usher
人生虚幻一场睡-- Of dreams – a sleep, is our life none –
老天为何戏苍生? Just Heavens make of Earth a fun?

欧根就像被咒妨, And he, like under conjuration,
也像被囚铁栏挡, Like in jail irons’ limitation,
困在石上独自伤。 Cannot come down. Him around
环绕欧根黑水涨! Only black waters could be found!
欧根背后有雕像, And turned to him with his back, proudest,
高耸不怕风吹狂, On height that never might be tossed,
傲临野性涅瓦上, Over Neva’s unending wildness,
手臂随意挥前方, Stands, with his arm, stretched to skies, lightless,
青铜马上骑巨像。 The idol on his brazen horse.
大快朵颐即散情 But now, sated with distraction
强掠之后生倦心, And tired of its rude attack,
涅瓦终于回平静, Neva, at last, was coming back,
心满意得看祸径 Looking at ruins with satisfaction
潮退随便抛掠品。 And leaving with a little attention
河象恶棍无品行, Its prey behind. A reprobate,
With his sever and low set,
突袭村庄凶本能, Thus, thrusting in a village, helpless,
打砸虏抢欺压甚: Breaks, slaughters, robs all and oppresses:
狂吼暴虐引哀鸣!... The roar, rape, swore, alert and wails!...
大肆掠夺后离场, And, under their large booty posted,
满载而归怕追上, Afraid of chases and exhausted,
疲惫盗匪退急忙, The robbers speed to their old place,
一路掠物丢弃光。 Losing their loot along the road.
大水退去路宽敞, The waves were gone, the pavement, broad,
欧根依旧很紧张, Was opened, and Evgeny, stressed,
死里逃生喘气慌, With heart half-dead and stifled throat,
重燃希望驱恐伤, In a hope, fear and awful pains,
小心翼翼激流闯。 Runs to the stream, just now restrained.
大河得胜庆功忙, But, in the winning celebration,
波涛依旧滚如汤, Waves still were boiling with a passion,
就像风鼓火焰样; As if to flames, under them fanned;
依然白沫四处淌, They still were with white foam covered,
涅瓦乳房起伏涨, And Neva’s breast was heavily moved,
也像骏马赢赛场。 Like the steed’s one after a race.
眼见一舟如心想; Evgeny sees a boat here;
抓住稻草有希望-- He runs to it – a find, revered, –
他叫船夫船靠旁-- He calls a boatman at once –
船夫伙计很大方, The boatman, a guy quite careless,
十个戈比走一趟, Just for ten kopeks, with great gladness,
惊涛骇浪送他往。 Takes him into the waves’ wild dance.
置身波涛时已长, And for a long with these waves, close,
职业船夫划船忙, The much trained rower was in fight,
出没浪潮向前方, And to sink deeply mid their rows,
水手勇敢伤无恙, The scuff, with its brave sailors both,
河之彼岸终登上。 Was apt all time… The other side
疲惫欧根跑慌忙 Is reached, at last. And the frustrated
穿过熟悉旧街巷 Runs through the so well-known street
到老地方放眼望 To his old places. He doesn’t meet
不见完物景凄凉! A thing, he’d known. The view’s rated
乱七八糟满目荒, As the worst one! All’s in a mess –
东倒西歪全扫光; All is failed down or swept or stressed:
屋室倾圮变模样, The little houses are bent down,
或被夷平或冲跑 Some – shifted, some – razed to their ground
恐怖力道自波涛; By awful forces of the waves;
尸首横陈无情抛, The bodies, waiting for their graves,
就像战后待坟刨。 Are lying round, like aft fight, merciless.
可怜欧根心燃烧-- Our poor Evgeny – his mind’s flamed –
满目折磨活煎熬, Half-dead under the tortures, endless,
厄运召唤往那跑 Runs there where the inhumane fate
就像一信封密胶 Would give him the unknown message,
未启信息怎知道; As if a letter, sealed to bear;
城郊废墟欧根到, He’s now in the suburbs’ wreckage,
这是海湾,屋近了... There is the Gulf, the house is near…
那是什么?他呆掉, But what is this? He stopped, frustrated,
走来走去来回找... Went back, returned a little later…
边走边看看不着。 He looks… he walks … he looks once more.
就是此地屋曾造 There is the place their house for
柳树依旧门难找-- And willow-tree. The gates were here –
大水一冲屋没了. They’re swept… But where’s the house, o grace?
天灾如此实难料, And full of troubles, hard to wear,
欧根绕地走不消。 He walked and walked around the place.
自言自语大声叫-- Told to himself in voices loud –
突然好似全找到, And suddenly, as if all’s found,
自拍前额放声笑。 Struck his forehead and fell in laugh.
悲情城市夜色罩, The night embraced the city, stuffed
尚有时辰未睡觉。 With all its woe. And still for hours
A sleep was running from each house –
市民哭忆一日糟。 The folk recalling the past day.
暗光云透悲光照, Now, through the clouds, weak and pale,
失声城池哭声渺。 The morn ray flashed o’er the mute city
And did not found e’en a trace
晨光熹微灾隐消。 Of the past woe. The dawn, witty,
Had safely screened the doing, base.
从前生活恢复了。 The former life had got its place.
街道不再水波嚣, Along the streets now free of flooding,
面目冷漠人行悄。 With cold indifference, folks are moving.
官吏离开宿宅早, Just having left his lodge of night,
急忙上班去报到。 The clerk is going at his site.
精明商贩不怕潮, The petty tradesman, very dauntless,
赶紧卖货启地窖, Is opening his cellar – wet,
虽然曾被洪水泡 Robbed by the waves’ impudent set –
甩货止损求同胞。 Intending to revenge his losses
On brothers-humans. From the yard
后院推出船一条, Is pulled the boat, full of mud.
瓦斯男爵天宠骄 Count Khvostov, a pet of Zeus,
吟唱不朽诗词稿, Now is singing his songs, deathless,
涅瓦水灾永哀悼。 To the Neva shores’ former plight.

可怜欧根今怎样?... What’s of Evgeny, our poor hero? …
叹其身心仍激荡, Alas! His agitated mind,
遭此巨浪难抵挡 Against the immense woe’s billow
谁能不动站如常。 Didn’t stand untouchable. The wind’s
他的神经已走样 And Neva’s noise was always growing
风声河响幻耳旁。 In his poor ears. Mute and half-blind,
哑然半瞎妄思想, With awful thoughts, he was a-roaming,
噩梦逼他去游荡。 Being quite tortured by some dream.
一周一月时快淌, A week, month passed by as a stream,
欧根再未回住房。 At his past home he wasn’t returning
房东等到租金光 And his landlord, when the rent’s time
重新找客像以往 Had gone, gave his corner to some
穷困诗人搬进房。 Bard, sunk in a poverty unduly.
欧根没来取剩裳 Evgeny didn’t come for his stuff
他就到处去流浪, And soon became a stranger, fully,
每天无法走太长; To world: his day wasn’t long enough
夜睡码头到日上 For walk; he slept on wharfs till morning
沿街乞讨口难张, His bread was one a beggar has,
衣衫褴褛走路晃。 He wore the dirt and rotten dress.
街上顽童闹声响, The evil children, with cries joyful,
经常丢石打背膀。 Sometimes threw stones to his back,
常遇车夫举鞭躁 Often the coachmen’ whips, wrathful,
羸弱身躯挨皮条 Stung his thin body – for his track
因他走路不择道-- Was cast without choosing direction –
外界啥都不知晓-- He seemed to notice nothing else –
又聋又哑心虑焦 He was quiet deafened and oppressed
任凭内心起风暴。 By noise of inner agitation.
如此迷路浓雾走-- And thus he strayed in his life’s mist –
人不人来兽不兽-- Not humane being, nor some beast –
不是行尸非走肉, Not fish, nor flesh – not living creature,
也非死鬼街上游... Nor ghost of dead … But once he slept
一天夜里睡码头 By Neva’s wharf – the summer’s features
此时季节夏转秋。 Were now like autumn’s. The wind, bad,
凉风吹起波涛吼, Was breathing there. The roller, sad,
浪拍堤沿洗石头 Was splashing its complain and groan
声有呻吟和哀愁, And striking ‘gainst the steps of stone,
如人被挡法院口, Like the offended at the door
声如喊冤有深仇。 Of justice that doesn’t hear him more.
欧根惊醒看四周: The poor waked up. All was gloom round:
漆黑雨下风狂吼, Falling the rain, wind wailing loud,
不远之处有哨所 And it was answered through the night
哨兵高叫夜空抖... By some alone distant guard...
欧根赶紧爬来瞅, Evgeny got up in a hurry,
惶恐打发记忆流, He recollected his all flurry,
站立一会开始走 Stood on a spot, began to walk
然后停步胸难受, And stopped again, almost choked,
欧根睁眼看四周 Intently gazing him around
一脸惊恐筋搐抽... With a wild terror on his face...
大厦房前他恐慌 It seemed that he himself had found
两只石狮在守望, By a big house where were placed,
栩栩如生爪高扬 With their paw up, as if quite living,
威风八面看前方。 Two marble lions, overseeing,
高台之上有所放, And in the height, strait o’er him posed,
岩上围栏铁饰装, Over the rock, fenced with cast iron,
空中挥手向前方, With arm stretched into the skies, sullen,
森严站立青铜像, The idol sat on his bronze horse.

欧根见此眼睁大。 Evgeny startled. Became clear
混乱头脑清晰化-- The strange thoughts, torturing his mind –
他知此地曾水发, He named the place where played the flood,
河水如沸冲扫刷,-- Where ran the waters-spoilers, fierce, –
汇成洪水更叛哗-- Merging in one rebellious stream, –
狮子广场马上他, The lions, square and, at last, him,
巍然不动无喧哗-- Who stood without a move and sound –
铜像头向黑天插-- The cooper head piercing black skies –
是他在此一念差 Him, by whose fatal enterprise
造这城市在低洼... This city under sea took ground...
铜像幽暗很可怕! He’s awful in the nightly dark!
眉眼紧锁思难察! In what a thought his brow’s sunk!
千钧威力隐待发! What a great might in it lies, hidden!
胯下骏马生火花! And what a fire’s in this steed!
不知它要奔何方! O, proud horse, where do you speed!
生风铜蹄往哪扬? Where will you down your bronze hoofs, flittin’?
万物主宰因果王! O, karma’s mighty sovereign!
你引俄国渐趋强, Not thus you’d reared Russia, sullen,
驰向高地拉住缰 Into the height, with a curb, iron,
勒马扬蹄深渊旁? Before an abyss in your reign?
可怜疯人绕圈忙 The poor madman circled around
巨像底座脸相望, The foot of the black idol’s mass,
如此君王傲慢相 He gazed into the brazen face
曾握半球一手掌。 Of the half-planet’s ruler, proud.
想此欧根胸闷慌。 And was his breast oppressed. He laid
他贴前额冰栏凉。 On the cold barrier his forehead.
眼睛如有雾茫茫, His eyes were veiled with a mist-cover,
心脏像给烈火烫, His heart was all caught with a flame,
热血沸腾加快淌。 His blood seethed. Gloomy he became
一脸阴沉近巨像, Before the idol, looming over,
咬紧牙关拳挥晃, And, having clenched his teeth and fist,
象有恶力附体上, As if possessed by evil powers,
“好个奇迹建造狂,” “Well, builder-maker of the marvels,”
战抖不住自语忙, He whispered, trembling in a fit,
“你就等着好瞧吧!...” “You only wait!...”- And to a street,
突然撒丫跑街巷-- At once he started to run out –
欧根脑袋出妄想: He fancied: that the great tsar’s face,
看到沙皇脸怒状 With a wrath suddenly embraced,
竟能转头向他晃... Was turning slowly around...
空旷广场飞奔狂 And strait along the empty square
边跑边听有异样 He runs and hears as if there were,
感觉有人紧跟上 Just behind him, the peals of thunder,
清脆马蹄伴雷响 Of the hard-ringing hoofs’ reminders, –
骏马飞驰过广场, A race the empty square across,
马路尘土起飞扬 Upon the pavement, fiercely tossed;
惨白月亮惨照光 And by the moon, that palled lighter,
青铜骑士挥臂膀 Having stretched his hand over roofs,
紧追不舍盯不放 The Brazen Horseman rides him after –
清脆马蹄哒哒响。 On his steed of the ringing hoofs.
疯子此夜胆魄丧, And all the night the madman, poor,
无论脚动去哪方, Where’er he might direct his steps,
青铜骑士也转向, Aft him the Bronze Horseman, for sure,
如此紧追如跑场。 Keeps on the heavy-treading race.

欧根从此病根落, And from this time, when he was going,
广场一到出异兆, Along this square, only by chance,
恐怖袭身状不妙 A sense of terror was deforming
手压心口快步跑 His features. And he would then press
His hand to heart in a great fastness,
就像能使痛减少, As if to make its tortures painless,
摘下破帽手中抱, Take off the worn peaked cap at once,
低头看地不敢瞧 Didn’t turn from earth his fearful eyes
满眼恐惧快溜掉。 And try to pass by.
A small island’s
有个小岛靠岸旁。 Seen in the sea quite near a shore.
迟归渔夫愿意往 A fisherman, the late catch for,
静静那里撒渔网 Would sail to it with his net, silent,
同时烧火炖鱼汤 Sometimes – and boil there his soup, poor;
有时官吏船来访 Or an official clerk would moor
周日划船闲时光。 To it in a boat-walking Sunday’s.
小岛空空不长草。 The empty isle. Seeds don’t beget
冥冥之中有力道 There any plant. A player, sightless,
洪水推一破屋漂 The flood, had pulled there a ghost, sad,
滞留岛上幽灵悄。 Of an old hut. The water over,
水退屋如灌木貌。 It had been left like a bush, black.
去年春天驳船往 Last spring, by a small barging rover,
拖着小屋回岸上。 It was conveyed to the shore, back –
小屋破烂一空房。 Destroyed and empty. By its entry,
却丧欧根门前躺, They’d found the poor madman of mine
上帝面上有慈光, And, for a sake of the Divine,
他被薄棺土里葬。 Buried his corpse in that soil, scanty.
Note: English Text Was Translated by Yevgeny Bonver, March, 2004 - March, 2005 © Copyright, poetryloverspage.com, 2004-2005