28 Organic Milk Alternatives Without Carrageenan

I’m a dairy girl for the most part, since I truly believe that organic, pasture-raised cow’s milk is the most nutritious milk you can buy. But sometimes it seems like everyone else I know is into almond, coconut, soy, grain, rice and other alternative milks.
Though these milk alternatives are a great option for people with allergies or special diets, most don’t provide much nutritional value in terms of naturally-occurring protein (except soy) and calcium. They also frequently contain a potential harmful additive called carrageenan, which is better to avoid whenever possible.
For those of you who buy non-dairy milks, I thought I’d put together a list of organic options that don’t have carrageenan, so you could taste them and find your favorites.
Almond Milk
- Homemade – it’s easier than you think

- 365 (Whole Foods private label)
- Beber
- OMilk NYC
- Westsoy Organic (the conventional line may contain carrageenan)
Soy Milk
- Earth Balance* (Older formulations containing carrageenan remain on shelves. Watch ingredients!)
- Eden Soy
- Natur-a
- Organic Valley
- Pacific Foods (organic unsweetened original)
- So Nice (Natural flavor only)
- Soy Dream (Shelf Stable: classic vanilla and enriched chocolate; Refrigerated: classic original)
- Sunrise Soya (all except light fortified sweetened)
- Tofu Shop
- Trader Joe’s Unsweetened in shelf-stable package (refrigerated does contain carrageenan)
- Twin Oaks
- Westsoy (original, unsweetened, lowfat)
Chocolate Soy Milk
- Organic Valley
- Tofu Shop
- Organic Soy Dream (enriched chocolate)
Rice Milk
- Kirkland Signature
- Natur-a
- Nature’s Promise
- Rice Dream – shelf-stable (organic classic original, organic enriched original)
- Trader Joe’s (Check labels, as their private labels vary)
Other Milk Alternatives
- Pacific Foods Oat Milk
- Pacific Foods Hemp Milk
- Pacific Foods 7 Grain Milk
- Pacific Foods Coconut Original or Vanilla
Any other organic brands you like that I’ve missed? Please share your favorites in the comments!
*Some of this information sourced from Cornucopia Institute