Puffy eyes, tired or fatigue eyes and Intraocular pressure (IOP) are the most common eyes problem that we are facing nowadays. Many of us love to use the cosmetic products for puffy eyes, drink coffee for tired eyes or consult doctor for Intraocular pressure problem. If you do not have any idea what is puffy eye or Intraocular pressure, please get the description at below, I am not going to explain deeply what is it about.
Puffy Eye
Periorbital puffiness, also known as "puffy eyes" or swelling around the eyes, refers to the appearance of swelling in the tissues around the eyes, called the orbits. It is almost exclusively caused by fluid buildup around the eyes, or periorbital edema.
Intraocular pressure
Intraocular pressure (IOP) is the fluid pressure inside the eye. Tonometry is the method eye care professionals use to determine this. IOP is an important aspect in the evaluation of patients at risk from glaucoma.
What's Traditional Chinese Medicine said ?
Many eyes problems normally caused by poor blood circulation. As a result, many "garbage and precipitate" unable to remove from the eyes areas through the blood vessel on time. It leads us to the eye symptoms like dark eye circle, puffy eye, tired eye and so on.
Leg Tai Yang Baldder Meridian is one of the most important meridian for human body. Disharmony of Leg Tai Yang Baldder Meridian can cause symptoms such as difficult urination, incontinence, painful eyes, runny nose, nose bleeding and nasal congestion. Eye problems, pain in the head, neck, back, groin and buttock areas indicate disharmony in the Bladder Meridian pathway. Here, I am going to share how can we massage three acupuncture points - Jing Ming (精明穴), Pu Can (仆参穴) and Shen Mai (申脉穴) on the Leg Tai Yang Bladder Meridian as circled blue in below picture, and get an instant effect on relieving your eyes problems !

How to massage ?
Use your fingers to massage Jing Ming, Pu Can and Shen Mai acupuncture points.
If you want to compare the miracle between before and after massaging, try one side first. For example, complete the right hand side massage for the right Jing Ming, right Pu Can and right Shen Mai acupuncture points first. After massaging the right side, normally your right eye will feel better and relief compare to the eye on your left hand side which haven't massage.
- Find the correct position of the mentioned acupuncture points and place your fingers on it.
- Press the mentioned acupuncture points and gradually increase the power (you will feel a bit pain while pressing if you get the correct position of the acupuncture points)
- At least one minutes massage (clockwise motion) for each of the mentioned acupuncture point.
You will see the miracle after completing the massaging :))