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Lilac2003 (热门博主)
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(2015-03-05 06:42:40) 下一个

14种最脏蔬果排名出炉 最毒的竟然是它(组图)

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美国消费者保护团体EWG(Environmental Working Group)最近公布2015“最脏的14种蔬果”,依据蔬果所遗留的农药残留量多寡排序,并建议民众在选购时,最好买有机农产品以保健康。

这份清单是调查一般家庭常买的48种蔬果农药残留量,其中辣椒和羽衣甘蓝是今年新上榜的最脏蔬果,另外12种农产品和往年相同。根据美国农业部所做的农药 残留检测,发现这些蔬果中残留高含量的剧毒农药,其中以有机磷和氨基甲酸酯类的杀虫剂最多。这些类型的农药会破坏人类的神经系统。



加拿大有机农业中心主任汉默斯特(Andrew Hammermeister)指出,不只是农药问题,能安心食用的有机农产品,还能避开转基因生物,生长激素、抗生素、防腐剂、食用色素、香精等各种化学物质。同时,因为种植过程采用较自然的生产方式,不洒农药,以天敌对抗的方式减少虫害,对自然生态的生物平衡性高。



1. Apple(苹果)2. Peaches(桃子)3. Imported Nectarines(进口油桃) 4. Strawberries(草莓)5. Imported Grapes (进口葡萄)6. Celery(西芹)7. Spinach(菠菜)8. Sweet Bell Peppers(甜椒)9. Cucumber(青瓜)10.Cherry Tomatoes(樱桃蕃茄)11. Snap Peas(进口青豆)12. Potatoes(马铃薯)13.Hot Peppers(辣椒)14. kale/Collard Greens(雨衣甘蓝)

The 14 Kinds Of Produce With The Highest Levels Of Pesticides

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) has released its annual Shopper's Guide, including its 2015 Dirty Dozen list, a useful tool for identifying (and avoiding) the most pesticide-contaminated produce on the market.

EWG analysts uses U.S. Department of Agriculture and Food and Drug Administration (USDA) pesticide-residue testing results as a basis for ranking 48 different fruits and vegetables. The total number of pesticides detected on a crop and the percent of samples tested with detectable pesticides are also factored in. The report is timely, given that a recent study found people who buy organic produce have much lower levels of organophosphate insecticides inside of their bodies compared to people eating conventionally grown fruits and veggies. Pesticides have been linked to a number of health problems, including certain cancers and lower IQ in children.

MORE: 10 Crazy Things Pesticides Are Doing to Your Body

"The bottom line is people do not want to eat pesticides with their fruits and vegetables," said Ken Cook, EWG's president and cofounder. "That's why we will continue telling shoppers about agricultural chemicals that turn up on their produce, and we hope we will inform, and ultimately, empower them to eat cleaner."

The list also includes two additional produce items—leafy greens and hot peppers—since they are frequently contaminated with insecticides that are particularly toxic to human health, EWG notes.

2015 Dirty Dozen List
1. Apples
2. Peaches
3. Nectarines
4. Strawberries
5. Grapes
6. Celery
7. Spinach
8. Sweet Bell Peppers
9. Cucumbers
10. Cherry Tomatoes
11. Snap Peas (Imported)
12. Potatoes
+ Leafy Greens
+ Hot Peppers
(Check out the "Clean 15" Produce List.)


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