2013 (1)
2016 (1)
2019 (1)
2022 (93)
2025 (1)
Dr. Douglass: Biopsy consistent with malignancy. DDX still includes lymphoma (especially given evidence of Hashimoto's with positive TPO antibody and the diffuse architecture of the goiter without distinct nodules) versus MTC, anaplastic thyroid cancer, or metastatic disease. Case discussed with Dr. Reisman and scheduled for appt next week. Will likely be referred to IR for core biopsy to get better idea of the nature of this malignancy and determine best treatment course.
10:30AM Friday, 01/18/2017 Dr. Reisman's visit:
Dr. Reisman wants to do:
1 blood test (01/19/2017 Done)
2 Magnetc Resonance Imaging on the neck (01/22/2017 Done and Dr. Reisman can get the report on Monday 01/23/2017)
3 Large needle biopsy(01/20/2017Done, need 3 to 5 days to get the results)
我是星期三,25号住院的,26号夜做的“chemo”。今天下午出院。25号是关键的一天。Dr. Reisman 给我确诊为淋巴癌。Dr. Wie 进一步确诊为DLBCL(diffuse large B cell lymphoma).
You are not alone.
1. 甲状腺癌病人有一个全美范围的 Support group 网。是由Thyroid cancer survivors,creagiver 等组成的,都是 volunteer. 你可以从他们那里得到很多你目前急需的 info. 你在加州的 San Diego ? 因你提到过UCSD.
Here the info of support group.
Contacts: Florida Tiqui 415-846-1167
Mary Finley 858-552-8585 ext 6507
Walter Groth 619-276-3638
e-mail: sandiego-ca@thyca.org
ThyCa San Diego, CA Support Group
Meets: ThyCa San Diego meets the first Tuesday of every month from 6:00 to 7:00 PM.
Note: ThyCa San Diego will not meet on July 4.
Jan 3 Feb 7 Mar 7
Apr 4 May 2 Jun 6
Jul None Aug 1 Sep 5
Oct 3 Nov 7 Dec 5
Location: VA San Diego Medical Center
1558 -- Room 4003
3550 La Jolla Village Drive
San Diego, CA 92161
2.强烈推荐一个非常有用的网站: http://www.thyca.org
ThyCa: Thyroid Cancer Survivors' Association, Inc. is a non-profit organization of thyroid cancer survivors, family members, and health care professionals.
他们的医学顾问都是些 distinguished thyroid cancer specialists.请信任这个网站。
我个人的google/百度结果也是这样。到现在为止Dr. Reisman/Dr.Douglass还没有确定我的癌症类型。当然,看上去Papillary and follicular不是了。明天大针穿刺的结果应该出来了(3-5天,20号做的)。和MRI一齐应该帮助医生做出结论。
Update: Actually Dr. Reisman called Core biopsy (Pathology department)and will have all info by late tomorrow(25号Thursday).
Papillary and follicular thyroid cancers 占其中的90%,其发展缓慢, 治愈率很高。
Medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) 占 5--7%。若发现得早, 也容易治疗。关键是要早!
Anaplastic thyroid carcinoma (ATC) 占 1--2%。 请看这段引用:
“This rarest type of thyroid cancer is difficult to control and treat because it is very aggressive and can spread rapidly within the neck and to other parts of the body.”
“ATC does not respond to radioactive iodine therapy (对放射性碘治疗无效)”。
所以, 不能一概而论地说甲状腺癌容易治疗。这完全取决于癌的Type 和 Stage.
希望楼主 Biopsy 结果出来后, 抓紧治疗。千万别去看中医和吃中药。
今天把large needle biopsy (又叫做core biopsy)做了。取出5 chunk of tissue。结果应3-6天出来。
紧张是诊断出癌症的第一天。是的我一夜未合眼。但第二天就过来了。是呀,人总是要死的:不是今天就是另一天。现在我很calm (也许这个英文字更能表达我的感受)。对于人生我想说这样一句话:Cannot complain(也许这个英文句更能表达我的认知)。我认为本人已经lucky一生。如能活下来就把余生放在教会,放在无报酬tutorial上,放在。。。今晚睡前再想想。
我想明天9:30AM的大针穿刺结果应该能够帮助医生做决定。我向Dr.Reisman提出:大针穿刺会不会激发癌细胞?他回答:“有可能,但是这种risk比起不做大针穿刺得不到结果的risk要小得多, we have some patents they did large needle biopsy and when they came back two years later, the cancer did grow somewhat ”。
同意您的观点。MRI是要识别结构方面的details。Large needle biopsy 比fine needle aspiration可以提供更多的信息。
看来Dr. Douglass and Dr. Reisman 都不能定我是得了哪一种甲状腺癌。所以Dr.Reisman 要做MRI和大针biopsy.估计下周有了这些实验结果Dr. Douglass and Dr. Reisman可能可以有结果。
Dr. Reisman wants to do:
1 blood test (tomorrow)
2 Magnetc Resonance Imaging on the neck (appointment 01/22/2017)
3 Large needle biopsy.(还没定好appointment)
Same time I already made an appointment with UCSD for second opinion(It is scheduled on 01/25/2017).
Dr. Douglass: Biopsy consistent with malignancy. DDX still includes lymphoma (especially given evidence of Hashimoto's with positive TPO antibody and the diffuse architecture of the goiter without distinct nodules) versus MTC, anaplastic thyroid cancer, or metastatic disease. Case discussed with Dr. Reisman and scheduled for appt next week. Will likely be referred to IR for core biopsy to get better idea of the nature of this malignancy and determine best treatment course.
美国肿瘤科医生说和患者的年龄有关,四十岁以下的预后很好,几乎不会复发.年纪大的梢差些. 总的来说恶性程度较低,放宽心态,积极治疗就好.