
New year resolution of 2014

(2014-01-01 04:11:20) 下一个
The question lingering in my mind, as of today, the 1st day of new year, is surprisingly old fashioned. How to spend the life is The most basic topic in our ethical lesson of primary school. However, the perfect models, including Lei Feng, Liu Hulan, Dong Chunrui, set by the Party have done nothing to help resolve the issue if have not added more confusion to my innocent mind. 

What things do make sense is actually individual to each person and It is not rare quite a few people still ask themselves the question after grey hairs climb their sideburns. I am one of them.

It seems that just putting down new year resolution for 2013 on yesterday. Then 365 days passed without many exciting memories. More frustrating is the fact that the targets were missed again. Friends and family definitely would provide conforts in every respect but life is my own. Decision and judgement will eventually listen to the heart of myself.

To be pushed by inertia or to be motivated by hope, are not easy to be differentiated from each other. With the rountines and responsibilities ahead, my wish is I would fulfill the tasks without much pressure and at the same time enjoy the wholes to the most. No concrete targets anymore.

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