
What Can Men Learn From Women?

(2013-06-16 23:23:44) 下一个
Soon or later, men would be wiped out if they would continually spend too much time playing video games or watching porn movies online, according to a study said…haha.

I believe this study does make sense, because women truely have many strengths men lack of. for instance, planning, concentration and execution etc. which are the minimum of requirement for a person who want to be successful.

It's awful to see that a lot of men are too busy chasing the excitements in their best time but forget about developing the necessary skills they need later for survival, as matter of fact, it isn't a secret anymore that in North America, universities actually have already compromised their admission standards, in order to accept more boys to balance the gender issues. but for the best result, they maybe barely can graduate from schools, however, when they eagerly look for a job to support their living, they may suddenly realize they don’t have a solid knowledge base to qualify for any positions, then everything is too late!

Women, specially those smart one, they are destined to be a winner, because they never make those kind of mistakes. They know exactly what they want in very early age and the most important thing is women know how to break down their goal into steps, and as soon as they walk first step toward their goal, they never stop until the goal is reached.

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